Generator Head Effects Method

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1)
Key Property:No
Description:Method used to account for the effects of storage head on efficiency

Generator Head Effects Method controls how the formulation accounts for the effects of storage head on hydro generator efficiency.

This setting can take the following values:

Backward Looking (value = 0) (default)

The efficiency of hydro generation is set each simulation step based on the Storage Initial Volume. Efficiency does not change inside the step, so this method works well if the storage is large enough. This method is the fastest because it does not require the formulation of the head to efficiency relationship directly in the optimization. Note that this is the only method available when using the Stochastic Algorithm = "SDDP". In this case the generator efficiency is updated at each stage of the scenario tree in each iteration.

Dynamic (value = 1)

The head to efficiency relationship is formulated inside the optimization problem and efficiency will change dynamically. This approach is the most accurate but is expensive in terms of simulation time.

See also: