Name | Units | Default Value | Validation Rule | Description |
At a Time | - | 0 | ≥0 | Number of day/week/months/years in each MT Schedule simulation step. |
Block Count | - | 3 | ≥1 | Number of load duration curve blocks in each day/week/month. |
Chronology | - | 2 | In (2,3,4,5) | Type of chronology used |
Discount Period Type | - | 2 | In (1,2,3,4,6,7) | A unique discount factor will be computed for each of these periods. |
Discount Rate | % | 0 | ≥0 | Discount rate. |
End Effects Method | - | 1 | In (0,1) | Method used to account for end of horizon discounting |
Last Block Count | - | 0 | ≥0 | Number of load duration curve blocks in the last load duration curve of the horizon, or zero if the same as [Block Count]. |
LDC Pin Bottom | - | -1 | ≥-1 | Number of points at the bottom of the LDC that are pinned and cannot be aggregated into blocks. |
LDC Pin Top | - | -1 | ≥-1 | Number of points at the top of the LDC that are pinned and cannot be aggregated into blocks. |
LDC Slicing Method | - | 0 | In (0,1) | Method used to slice the LDC into blocks. |
LDC Type | - | 1 | In (1,2,3,4,7) | Create one LDC for each period of this type in the horizon. |
LDC Weight a | - | 0 | LDC weighting polynomial function 'a' parameter. | |
LDC Weight b | - | 1 | LDC weighting polynomial function 'b' parameter. | |
LDC Weight c | - | 0 | LDC weighting polynomial function 'c' parameter. | |
LDC Weight d | - | 0 | LDC weighting polynomial function 'd' parameter. | |
New Entry Capacity Mechanism | - | 0 | In (0,1,2) | Capacity payment mechanism. |
New Entry Driver | - | 0 | In (0,1,2,3) | New entry driver. |
New Entry Time Lag | month | 12 | ≥0 | Lag time for entrepreneurial entry. |
Outage Increment | MW | 10 | ≥1 | Generator outage bin size in convolution |
Pricing Method | - | 0 | In (0,1) | Type of generator pricing used in MT Schedule |
Reduced Sample Count | - | 4 | ≥1 | Statistically reduce the [Sample Type] periods to at most this number of samples each year. |
Reduction Relative Accuracy | - | 1 | Between 0 And 1 | Stop sample reduction when the accuracy of the reduced sample set reaches this level. |
Reliability Min Contiguous Block | h | 0 | ≥0 | For reliability based sampled chronology ensure sampled periods are contained in contiguous blocks of at least this many hours |
Sample Type | - | 2 | In (1,2,3,4) | For [Chronology] = "Sampled", take this type of sample. |
Sampled Block Count | - | 0 | ≥0 | Number of blocks modeled in each sample period (day/week) where zero means the original number of intervals |
Sampling Interval | - | 4 | In (-1,2,3,4,7) | For Chronology = "Sampled", take [Sample Type] samples in each of these intervals of time. |
Start Cost Amortization Period | h | 0 | ≥0 | Number of hours over which generator start costs are amortized |
Step Link Mode | - | 0 | In (0,1,2) | Controls how the solutions of each step are linked together. |
Step Type | - | 4 | In (1,2,3,4,7) | Each simulation step will span steps of this type. |
Stochastic Algorithm | - | 0 | In (0,1) | Algorithm invoked by the Stochastic Method when a scenario tree is present |
Stochastic Method | - | 0 | In (0,1,2,3) | Stochastic optimization method for MT Schedule |
Storage Formulate Head Effects | Yes/No | -1 | In (0,-1) | If storage head effects should be formulated in MT Schedule. |
Use Effective Load Approach | Yes/No | 0 | In (0,-1) | If MT Schedule uses the effective load approach |
Write Bridge Text Files | Yes/No | 0 | In (0,-1) | If bridge information such as constraint decomposition and storage targets should be written to text files |