PASA Index

PASA Attributes

NameUnitsDefault ValueValidation RuleDescription
Compute Multi-area Reliability IndicesYes/No0In (0,-1)Master switch for computation of reliability indices LOLP, LOLE, etc across multiple areas.
Compute Reliability IndicesYes/No0In (0,-1)Master switch for computation of reliability indices LOLP, LOLE, etc.
Constraints EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If transmission line constraints are enabled in PASA.
Include Contract GenerationYes/No0In (0,-1)Include physical contract generation capacity in PASA
Include Contract LoadYes/No0In (0,-1)Include physical contract load capacity in PASA
Include Demand BidsYes/No0In (0,-1)Include demand bids are load in PASA
Include DSPYes/No-1In (0,-1)Include demand-side participation in PASA
Include Market PurchasesYes/No0In (0,-1)Include market purchases as generation capacity in PASA
Interface Constraints EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If transmission interface constraints are enabled in PASA.
Maintenance Sculpting%0Between 0 And 100Level of sculpting of maintenance outages: Higher sculpting means outages are more concentrated in high reserve periods
Reliability Criterion-0In (0,1)Criterion used to select periods for Monte Carlo reliability analysis
Reliability LOLP Tolerance-0.01≥0For reliability-based sampled chronology using LOLP criterion select intervals with LOLP at or above this level
Reliability Max Samplesh1E+30≥1For reliability-based sampled chronology select no more than this many hours per year
Step Type-1In (0,1,2)PASA step type: One period is modelled for each period of this type in horizon.
Stochastic Method-0In (0,1,2,3)Stochastic optimization method for PASA.
Transmission Detail-0In (0,1,2)Definition of maintenance area for PASA.
Write Outage Text FilesYes/No0In (0,-1)If outage patterns should be written to text files
Write Reliability Text FilesYes/No0In (0,-1)If the periods selected for Monte Carlo reliability analysis should be written to text files