LT Plan Optimize Expansion

Default Value:True (-1)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If expansion is optimized by this simulation phase

By default, LT Plan will optimize expansion for any resource defining the necessary expansion properties e.g. Generator Max Units Built. However, LT Plan may be used to bridge (decompose) constraints or storage only and ignore the expansion optimization, making the simulation phase similar to MT Schedule.

Examples usage:

  1. MT Schedule Stochastic Algorithm = "SDDP" with weekly or monthly stages and your model includes constraints longer than week or month. LT Plan can be used to decompose those constraints into weekly/monthly equivalents ahead of MT Schedule so they are accounted for in SDDP. In this case you should toggle off Bridge Storage so that all storage objects are handled by MT Schedule.
  2. You are modeling very long term constraints or multi-year storage. LT Plan can bridge (decompose) those long term constraints or multi-year storage allowing you to run MT Schedule with higher resolution and/or shorter steps.