Reserve Duration

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Time over which the required response must be maintained

Reserve Duration is the time over which the required response must be maintained. This contrasts with Timeframe which is the time in which the response is first required. Duration is used to account for the energy 'reservation' implied by reserve provision and affects hydro generators.


Reserve Property Value Units
SPINUP Type "Raise" -
SPINUP Min Provision 70 MW
SPINUP Timeframe 60 sec.
SPINUP Duration 600 sec.
SPINUP Energy Usage 5 %
SPINDOWN Type "Lower" -
SPINDOWN Min Provision 30 MW
SPINDOWN Timeframe 60 sec.
SPINDOWN Duration 600 sec.
SPINDOWN Energy Usage 95 %

For 'raise' type reserve, defining Duration implies that a reservation is made on the Head Storage of a hydro or energy in a storage of a Battery. This translates to a lower bound on Storage End Volume or Battery SoC for each megawatt of Spinning Reserve Provision. For 'lower' type reserve, a similar reservation is made on the Tail Storage of a hydro or energy in a storage of a Battery. This time it translates to a lower bound on tail Storage End Volume or an upper bound on Battery SoC for each megawatt of Pump Dispatchable Load Provision or lower provision from the battery.

For example, if the Generator or Battery provides 100 MW of raise reserve and Duration is 60s, it must have 10 × 60/3600 = 1.7 MWh available in storage. Likewise if the same quantum of lower reserve is provided the storage must have 1.7 MWh of headroom.

Duration interacts with, but is separate to Energy Usage. When that property is defined, the implied lower bound on storage is reduced, to account for the expected uptake of reserve.

When Duration is longer than the period length, initial conditions for generator response provision should be set. See