Reserve Energy Usage

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Between 0 And 100
Key Property:No
Description:Percentage of reserve dispatched in energy market

Reserve Energy Usage defines the expected (or average) percentage of Provision that is dispatched, thus allowing the simulator to account for the fuel used (or water used for hydro) and affect on Generation as a result of reserve Provision. This property is usually associated with regulation reserves, but may be used for any reserve type.

Raise Reserve Example

Reserve Property Value Units Timeslice
REG UP Type Regulation Raise -
REG UP Min Provision 50 MW PEAK
REG UP Min Provision 45 MW OFF-PEAK
REG UP Energy Usage 7 %

This input means that 7% of the total REG UP provision requires reflection in increased generation and energy consumption. In the supply-demand balance constraints, Energy Usage is accounted for as follows:

Generation + Energy Usage × Provision = Load

Generator Generation is reported after accounting for energy usage. For example, consider a 100 MW generator operating with an energy target of 90 MW and providing 10 MW of raise Type reserve with an energy usage of 5%. The supply-demand equations include 0.5 MW extra 'generation' and reported generation is 90.5 MW. Reserve Provision is the 'gross' provision not adjusted for energy usage.

Lower Reserve Example

Reserve Property Value Units Timeslice
REG DOWN Type Regulation Lower -
REG DOWN Min Provision 30 MW PEAK
REG DOWN Min Provision 25 MW OFF-PEAK
REG DOWN Energy Usage 93 %

Energy usage for lower reserves is defined differently compared to raise reserves. If a generator's energy dispatch equals its lower provision, the energy usage input defines the expected energy adjustment factor after reductions due to lower reserve realisation have been accounted for.

In the above example, if generation target = lower provision = 30MW, the post-reserve energy usage is only 93% of the original energy target. Alternatively, only 7% of each unit of reserve provision requires reflection in terms of energy balances. The default input corresponding to no energy usage is 1 (100%).

Within the energy balance equations, energy usage results in the following terms for a Lower service:

Generation - (1 - Energy Usage) × Provision = Load

Note that energy usage is suitable for spinning reserve types. If energy usage is required for non-spinning reserves (replacement), this can be enabled via Energy Usage For Replacement. In addition, it should be noted that not all output properties will reflect the energy usage in replacement reserve.

See also: