This optional column is used to break up a single link into two parts to allow for a tiered wheeling charge. The first portion has a capacity equal to the MW amount input in this column and has no wheeling charge applied. The second portion of the link has the input wheeling charge applied and covers the remaining Capacity on the line.
If the input value is greater than the resolved capacity for any given hour, then the wheeling free capacity will be set to equal the standard capacity.
The use of this column is equivalent to using two tiered wheeling rates records for the same Area From/To connection to assign varying Capacity 'blocks' that will have different wheeling charges. Multiple records are setup by reducing the original link capacity by the wheeling free capacity amount, adding a second row to the table for the same Area From/To connection with a capacity equal to the wheeling free capacity, and setting the wheeling charge equal to $0. See the main Link table page for an example.
NOTE: The value in this column is not multiplied by the Link Monthly Shape or the Link Capacity Shape columns.
NOTE: Inputs can be specified for any time period (annual, monthly, weekly, hourly or sub-hourly). For information on how to specify a time series for a variable, see Entering a Time Series.
Wheeling Free Capacity Column