Fuel Column
Column Type = Text

The Fuel column specifies the reference Fuel ID for the resource, as found in the Fuel table.  Each resource must have a valid Fuel ID.

 NOTE: The ID column in the Fuel table is a unique (text) identifier.  This field can contain both alpha and numeric characters.  All references to the fuel ID must use the unique (text) identifier.


 NOTE: New resource fuel alternatives cannot be of type hydro or storage.  Any fuel with Fuel Type starting with "Wat", "Sto" or "PS" will be ignored.  Any Fuel with Fuel Type starting with "Wat" (case insensitive) will cause a resource referenced to that fuel to be treated as a hydro resource.  Any Fuel with Fuel Type starting with "Sto" or "PS" (case insensitive) will cause a resource referenced to that fuel to be treated as a storage project. Any Fuel with Fuel Type of "Conservation", "DSM", or starting with "Load" (case insensitive), such as "Load Control", will cause a resource referenced to that fuel to be treated as a conservation or demand side project.

 Input Tables

 New Resources Table

 Fuel Column