Second Fuel Max Ratio

This optional column is used to activate the blended fuel capability in order to enforce a percentage of secondary fuel to burn in relation to the overall plant fuel usage.  The logic is based on fuel usage, not MWh. Both the Second Fuel Min Ratio and Second Fuel Max Ratio columns are used to set the min/max limits.

Valid entries for both columns are between 0 and 1, with NULL/blank for Second Fuel Min Ratio defaulting to 0 and NULL/blank for Second Fuel Max Ratio defaulting to 1.

Together, these columns put lower and upper bounds on the ratio of [Secondary_Fuel_Usage]/[Fuel_Usage] for each hour (or sub-hour) being dispatched.

 NOTE: If the FUEL reference is specified for this variable the value in the Fuel Table will be applied.


 NOTE: Inputs can be specified for any time period (annual, monthly, weekly, hourly or sub-hourly). For information on how to specify a time series for a variable, see Entering a Time Series.


 Input Tables

 New Resources Table

 Second Fuel Max Ratio Column