Competition Index

Competition Attributes

NameUnitsDefault ValueValidation RuleDescription
Bertrand Detect Active Ramp ConstraintsYes/No-1In (0,-1)If the Bertrand algorithm should detect when generators are constrained due to ramping.
Bertrand OOMOD EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If the Bertrand algorithm should seek to maximize profits by out-of-merit-order dispatch.
Contracts Handoff Point-0In (0,1)Location of hand-off for setting of contract settlement price
Contracts Optimize OffersYes/No0In (0,-1)If contract position should be considered when offering generation.
Contracts Settlement Method-0In (0,1,2)Method of calculating contract quantities for settlement
Default Elasticity$/MWh2 (Metric), $/MWh/MWh (U.S. Imperial)-0.2<0Default price elasticity of demand
Demand ScalingYes/No-1In (0,-1)If Nash-Cournot result scales input loads to reflect price elasticity of demand.
Epsilon-0.01>0Minimum margin between competing offer prices or between offer prices and the price cap.
Equilibrium Model-0In (0,1,2)Equilibrium Model. Optimizes generation / pricing position of portfolios over the short or medium term.
Mark-up Min Stable LevelYes/No0In (0,-1)If mark-up should be applied to the full range of unit output including [Min Stable Level].
Market Trading Format-1In (0,1)Trading format for Cournot model (Bilateral=No Arbitrage, POOLCO=With Arbitrage).
No Load Cost Mark-upYes/No0In (0,-1)If marginal cost bid should be adjusted to account for no-load cost
Non Price Setting EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If non-price setting plant should be fixed prior to the final price calculation
Pricing Strategy-0In (0,1,2,3)The Bertrand Competition strategy used to set offer/bid prices each interval.
Revenue Targeting Iterations-1≥1Number of iterations used to recover fixed costs.
Revenue Targeting Method-0In (0,1,2)Method used in adjusting offers to meet revenue targets.
RSI Bid-Cost Mark-up Method-0In (0,1,2)Method used in applying calculated bid cost markups to companies then generating units.
RSI EnabledYes/No0In (0,-1)If Residual Supply Index method is used.
Start Cost Mark-upYes/No0In (0,-1)If mark-ups are calculated to recover generator start cost
Start Cost Mark-up Method-0In (0,1)Algorithm used to apply start cost mark-ups
Start Cost Mark-up Production Bands-100≥1Number of bands of production used in recovery of a start cost across each window
Start Cost Mark-up Windowh24Number of hours over which a start cost should be recovered using mark-up on production