View/Edit Table Differences

The >View/Edit Table Differences option opens a window that is used to display differences between the base data and updates saved in a Change Set. The form can be used to review changes, export differences to an Excel workbook, and edit the data within a Change Set.

NOTE: If the Change Set is not currently active, launching the differences window will activate it.

  1. Modification:  This column describes the type of modification that occurred in the row for quick reference.

  2. Deleted Row:  Rows highlighted in orange represent records that have been deleted from the base table in the Change Set.

  3. Added Row:  Rows highlighted in blue represent records that have been added to the base table in the Change Set.

  4. Value Changes:  Highlighted cells in light blue with blue text represent values that have been updated in the Change Set.

  5. Value Description:  This region describes what each region is reporting, i.e. Change Set Values or Base Table Values.  Note that this information will be shown at the bottom of the screen if the right-click option to Change Orientation is applied for side-by-side viewing.




See Table Right-Click Menu for a list of context options available in this form.


 Change Sets

 View/Edit Table Differences

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