Aurora has the capability to specify an hourly or sub-hourly vector for Area demand. Values input in the Hourly Demand Vector column are direct pointers to the Time Series Hourly table and must start with hr_. However, this column can also reference sub-hourly inputs via the Time Series SubHourly table and the prefix sh_.
Values in this column will override the standard demand set calculations only for the hours where the vector has data; otherwise the normal calculations will be used. There is no corresponding override for the Zone Definition table. Therefore, if running zones are made up of more than one area, the zone demand will be developed using the overrides specified for any of its areas.
For risk studies with demand or portfolio demand as stochastic variables, these values are the base values and will be further adjusted by risk sampling. Similarly for daily change studies, any daily changes specified are applied after these vectors values are resolved.
NOTE: Values in this column must begin with hr_ or sh_.
Hourly Demand Vector
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