Zone Definition Table

This table is used to develop regional or market systems which isolate areas, combine areas and run specific areas within the entire North American database.  Results are reported for the defined regional or market system. A System Diagram is created for each specified regional or market consolidation system.

NOTE: When opened, this table will automatically show a filtered view based on the areas, zones, or pools that are running in the study system. Automatic Filters are overridden by the User Default Quick View, or can be turned off using the Project Options in the Options window.


 NOTE: All the original areas in the database must be included in every Zone Definition system.  Original areas are located in the Areas table.


Average Marginal Cost

Calculate Native Price

Capacity Obligation Peak Months

Capacity Obligation Scaling Factor

Capacity Price Base

Capacity Pricing Function

Capacity Pricing Function Offset

Commit Uplift Method

Commit Uplift Vector

Constraint ID



Custom Memory

Demand Collection

Dump Cost

Dynamic Peak Credit Hours

Emission Price ID

Firm Exports

Firm Imports

Forecast Error Adder

Forecast Error Factor

Inertia Relaxation Cost

Inertia Requirement

Linear Commitment

Minimize Reserve Margin

Native Price Min Cost

Native Price Zones

Operating Reserve Requirement

Org Area 1-60

Planning Reserve Requirement

Planning Reserve Requirement Max

Pool ID

Price Cap

Price Debug

Price Floor

Primary Key

Report Native Price

Report Resource Stack

Report Zone

Run Zone

Scarcity Pricing Function

Short Zone Name

System ID

System Name

Use Demand Curve

Use Net Demand in Preforecast

Zone ID

Zone Name

Refer to the tutorial article Creating Zone Definitions and System Diagrams for additional information.

 Input Tables

 Zone Definition Table

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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