Peak Credit
Column Type = Text

This optional column is used in conjunction with the Use Reserve Margin Capacity Targets option in the Long-Term folder of Simulation Options. This column is used to control the level of resource capacity that can be used to meet the reserve margin criteria. This may be appropriate for intermittent resources like wind or solar or for run-of-river hydro resources. The variable defines the fraction of a unit’s input capacity to count toward the reserve criteria.

If the column does not exist in the table or the value is null (no value), the credit will default to 1.0.

See the Knowledge Base article Long-Term Studies Using Reserve Margins for more information.

 NOTE: Specify inputs for any time period (annually, monthly, weekly, hourly, or sub-hourly). For information on specifying a variable's time series, see Entering a Time Series.


 Input Tables

 Fuel Table

 Peak Credit Column

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