Financial Inputs Mode Column (optional)
Column Type = Text

The optional Financial Inputs Mode column is used to determine whether all financial data inputs are treated as real or nominal values. The options for this column are:

NOTE: There are a few exceptions to be aware of when selecting the financial inputs mode:  ORM Input Prices, Emission Prices, and Bid Adders have their own switches to determine whether those inputs are nominal or real and the Portfolio Contract table always uses nominal inputs.

Individual Value Overrides

For individual data inputs, the global mode can be overridden for by adding a marker to the end of a time series reference. For example, when you want to input most financial data as real but a handful of references as nominal add /N to the end of a time series reference to make individual records nominal. Alternatively, set the mode to nominal but then add /R to the end of a time series reference to enter most inputs as nominal but a few in real.

NOTE: Be aware of nested values when using the time series reference appendages to override the input mode for specific data values. The /N and /R appendages should be applied at the first/highest reference and not directly in any of the time series tables themselves.

NOTE: Individual data value overrides using the appendages are always ignored for ORM Input prices, Emission prices, Bid adders, and financial inputs in the Portfolio Contract table. Additionally, the Time Series Generic table has its own nominal override option and the time series appendages should not be used when the Nominal column = True.

 Input Tables

 General Information Table

 Financial Inputs Mode Column

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