Firm Exports Column
Column Type = Text

A value or Time Series vector, input in MW, specifying the pattern of exports out of the pool which can be debited as a firm resource.  As such, these values will affect Pool Commitment levels, reserve margin calculations and Planning Reserve Margin targets for long-term studies.

Firm Exports can affect unit commitment when using pool commitment.  Pool commitment is used either when reliability-based commitment is selected thorough the Pool Commit switch in the Operating Pools table, or on the first day of a dynamic commitment run in order to bootstrap a reasonable commitment pattern.  This variable does not impact economic dispatch or economic imports/exports.

For reserve margin accounting purposes, specified imports and exports are treated as a resource per NERC definition:

Reserve Margin = (Capacity + Firm Imports – Firm Exports) / (Peak Demand) – 1.

For long-term studies, this column is used in conjunction with the Use Reserve Margin Capacity Targets option located in the Long-Term folder of Simulation Options. This value will be used to define the Planning Reserve Margin target for the overall pool; zonal Planning Reserve Margins will also be met. This provides the ability to specify minimum targets at the zone level, and a potentially higher level at the pool level, letting the model decide where to build additional units above zone minimums. This holds true for both zones that are members of a multiple-zone pool, and those that are not. There is no attempt to aggregate zone level imports/exports up to pool level imports/exports.

The default is zero if the column is missing, unless the pool is comprised of a single zone, in which case the zonal value will be used.

See the Knowledge Base article Long-Term Studies Using Reserve Margins for more information.

 Input Tables

 Operating Pools Table

 Firm Exports Column

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