Ancillary Simplified Constraints Column (optional)
Column Type = Boolean

By default, Aurora adds constraints to limit the simultaneous contribution of a resource to all of the ancillary products in which it participates in a given Ancillary Group in a time period.  However, when this column is set to True, some of these constraints are removed to simplify the formulation and only one constraint remains to limit the simultaneous contribution:

∑(Ancillary Contribution) + OutputCapability,

where the summation is over all of the products to which the resource belongs in the same Ancillary Group.  

When this optional column is set to True, other constraints which limit the simultaneous contribution of Pairwise products, based on their maximum provision, are not enforced.


Suppose that a 100 MW unit with ramp rate of 2 MW/min contributes to a 5-min reg up product and a 10-min spinning reserve product.  By default (and when Ancillary Max Contribution is not specified), the maximum contributions to each product are 10 MW and 20 MW respectively so Aurora adds a constraint such that Reg Up contribution + Spin contribution ≤ Max(10, 20) = 20. This assumes that since the resource can only ramp up by 20 MW in the time frame of the longer product, it can only provide up to that amount total to both products simultaneously. However, when Ancillary Simplified Constraints is set to True this type of constraint is not employed.

 Input Tables

 Resources Table

Ancillary Simplified Constraints Column

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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