Uplift Factor Column (Optional)
Column Type = Number

This column is used in conjunction with the Zonal Commitment Uplift Logic. When a zone is set to have a commitment uplift payment calculated (specified in the Commit Uplift Vector column in the Zone Definition table), non-cycling resources or cycling resources with start-up costs are eligible to set the uplift value each hour.  

To limit the amount a given resource can contribute to setting the uplift payment a fraction less than 1 can be entered in this column. Allowable inputs are numbers between 0 and 1.0. If this column is not in the database or the values are blank, the model will assume a default value of 1.  

This column is used to limit the amount a given resource can contribute to setting the uplift payment when the Zonal Commitment Uplift Logic is employed. The value entered is used to determine a cap on the uplift payment based upon the resource’s current incremental cost. Whenever the resource is the marginal unit setting the uplift payment for a zone, the model determines a cap on the uplift by multiplying the input Uplift Factor by the incremental cost of the last segment dispatching. After the cap is applied, an adjustment based on the cost of wheeling power may be applied when the marginal unit is not local to the zone. 

If this column is not in the database or the values are blank, the model will not apply a cap on the uplift when the resource is marginal.

See the Knowledge Base article Zonal Commitment Uplift Logic for more information.

 NOTE: Specify inputs for any time period (annually, monthly, weekly, hourly, or sub-hourly). For information on specifying a variable's time series, see Entering a Time Series.


 Input Tables

 Resources Table

 Uplift Factor Column

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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