Action Column

The action being taken for the named resource in this iteration. Possible entries include:

  • Add
  • Capacity Addition
  • Capacity Balance Removal
  • Capacity Change Retire Year
  • Capacity Econ Removal
  • Capacity Econ Remove Retrofit
  • Capacity Econ UnRetire
  • Capacity Econ UnRetire Due to Retro Removal
  • Capacity Retire
  • Change Retire Year
  • Change Retire Year for Retro
  • InForVintageImprovement
  • Min Constraint Add
  • OutForVintageImprovement
  • Remove Retrofit
  • Remove Retrofit to UnRetire Base for Capacity
  • Retire
  • Retire For Retro
  • UnAdd
  • UnRetire
  • UnRetire Due to Retro Removal
  • UnRetire for Capacity

Some of these may only be available if the Use Reserve Margin Capacity Targets option is selected (in the Long-Term folder of Simulation Options)

If the Use reserve margin capacity targets option is selected (in the Long Term folder of Simulation Options) additional potential actions include:


 Output Tables

 LTStudyLog Output Table

 Action Column

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