Output Tables 

Use this window to access the Output Tables as well as options for the viewing, printing and charting of output reports.

Select an Output Table to view by double-clicking, or right-clicking and selecting View DB Table. The selected table opens in a new window, ready for editing. See Editing Database Tables for more information. Tables are included in this database as defined in the Table Selection form in Simulation Options.

 NOTE: If running a 64-bit version of Windows, the output cannot be written to Microsoft Access. See Computer Requirements for more information.

Available output tables include the following:



"_Input_" Tables

"_Query_" Tables

AMStudyLog Output

Ancillary Output

Change Set Differences Output




EnergyConversion Output

EnergyConverter Output

FreqDurationStat Output

Fuel Output

FuelbyZone Output

Hub Output

Link Output

LTAvgPrice Output

LTBuildReport Output

LTCapacityLog Output

LTConstraintReport Output

LTMargResLog Output

LTResValue Output

LTScreeningCurve Output

LTStudyLog Output

LTVariableReport Output

MultiLink Output

ORDC Output

Pool Output

Portfolio Output













Resource Output

ResourceEmissions Output

ResourceGroup Output

ResourceGroupEmissions Output

ResourceStack Output

Risk Output

StudyLog Output

Uplift Output

Zone Output

ZoneEmissions Output

ZoneNativePrices Output













NodalInconsistent Gen





NodalUnmapped AURORARes

NodalUnmapped LFGen

NOTE: For Nodal Output Only: Output for infeasible hours will not be written to the database.  For Daily, Monthly, Yearly, and Study level output, if any hour contained in the time period is infeasible then the entire time period will NOT be written.

The Output Tables Window also contains a toolbar ribbon with the following features.

Database Actions


Change Database

Use this  option to change the output database selection. Select Change Database.  A dialog displays so you can select a Database and a Database Type. Click  the three dots to naviate to another database .

To select a different database, navigate to the desired database file, select it,  and then click Save.  Click OK to close the dialog.

This also automatically changes the database selected in the Reporting folder under Simulation Options.


Restore Backup

This button is used to restore backup databases and recover the original data after a run has been started.  Backup database are only created when the Auto-backup output database option is selected on the File Menu > Options form.  

When a run is launched that will write over an existing database, the model will first copy the database as a backup before creating the new database. The backup database is appended with "_bk" and stored in the same location as the original file.

 NOTE: Backup databases are not available for MySQL type databases. They are not automatically backed-up for SQL Server type databases until you turn on the option in the user preference General Options. Use care in selecting this switch, as backups for SQL Server type databases can take some time.

Save DB As

This option saves a copy of the output database with all active changes and current edits.  Aurora will not override the original output database, so a new database name must be chosen.

Write Input to  Output

Use this option to add input data tables to the output database, which offers the ability to do Output Queries joining information between input and output tables.

This option works like the Write Selected Input to Output option (in the Reporting form of Simulation Options), in that it will write any input table that has the Report checkbox selected in the Input Tables Window. The resulting tables will be listed with the "_Input_" prefix in the output database.

Delete Tables

You can delete multiple tables from the output database using this option. Deleting tables is useful in reducing file size or getting rid of unnecessary tables.

NOTE: Energy Exemplar strongly recommends making a copy of your database before using this feature. Deleting tables is permanent and there is no undo action.

Step-by-step instructions to delete tablesStep-by-step instructions to delete tables

Similar to the Input tables option, to delete tables:

  1. Use the Delete Table column to select the tables you want to delete from the database. You can also click and drag to highlight multiple rows, then click one box and the rest of the selected tables will also be selected.

  2. The Table Type and In Study (for input: defines if the table is included in the current study) can be used to sort the list. This is especially helpful if you want to delete all tables of a certain type or not used in your current study.

  3. Select OK, then YES in the confirmation box to delete selected tables.

  4. WARNING!! Once you click OK/YES, the tables will be PERMANENTLY removed from the database. There is no undo.


Combine Databases

This option lets you combine multiple databases by selecting them from your local machine and renaming them so that Aurora pulls data from all  combined databases. 

You must choose the specific xmpSQL output databases  you want to combine.  If you want to include the current output database when combining, the current output database must be xmpSQL and selected in the file dialog.

You can select multiple xmpSQL databases to combine by holding down the Ctrl button when selecting files in the file dialog.  The files to combine must be *.xdb files.

When you are naming the combined output database, it can be of any database type listed on the dropdown menu. 

  • SQL Server
  • xmp SQL
  • Zipped XML
  • XML
  • MySQL
  • CSV

You can choose the combined output database name  and then it will load the newly combined database in Aurora.


Dataset Actions


Read Dataset

This button reads the dataset from the current output database file.

Write Dataset

This button forces a write of the current data in memory.  If a run is stopped by the user, and output is desired, use this button to write the data currently in memory to the output database.

Clear Dataset

This button clears the output dataset.  To view a cleared dataset, select Read Dataset or use Change Database to re-select the output database.

New Query

This button is used to create queries, including joining tables to create a query using multiple output tables.  See Output Queries for more information.

Right-Click Menu

Aurora provides Output Queries and Pivot Tables for analysis of output data within the model. Table Queries and pivot tables are available by right-clicking the output table (as shown below). Table Queries are also available by clicking the New Query button in the toolbar as described above.

 Data Management

 Output Tables

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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