Use Wheeling for AA Net Export Calc Only

This logic switch determines how wheeling values will be used in the nodal solution:  

When this switch is not selected, wheeling can be applied on any branch in the system, and the wheeling values will directly affect the LMPs at each bus. Each bus will have its own Marginal Cost of Energy (MCE) reported to reflect the impact of injections at that bus on flows across branches where wheeling is specified.        

When this switch is selected, wheeling can only be applied on branches which connect one Aggregate Area to another.  Wheeling on branches contained completely within one aggregate area will be ignored. The model will use the wheeling values in the OPF/SCOPF solution to determine what the net export amounts should be between aggregate areas. Once the net export values are solved, the model will then calculate the LMPs given those net export amounts and ignoring the wheeling values. This will result in a similar—but not identical—solution as compared to running without this switch. The MCE for all buses in any given aggregate area will be identical for any given hour. If no wheeling is specified between two OPF aggregate areas, then the MCE values for all buses in any OPF aggregate area will be the same.   

 NOTE: Wheeling can be specified in the Supplemental Area and Supplemental Branch nodal input tables.

 Simulation Options


 Use Wheeling for AA Net Export Calc Only

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