Diagnostic Unit Commitment

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:Write diagnostics for the Rounded Relaxation unit commitment algorithm

This option writes a XML format file with details of every unit commitment decision made by the Rounded Relaxation algorithm.

The columns in this report are:

Column Description
Step Simulation step number
Sample Sample number in the current step (for multi-sample simulations)
Pass Rounding pass number (there can be 1-3 of these)
Region The Region the Generator is in
Generator The Main.Generator
Unit The generating unit number for the current Generator
Period The period number in the current simulation step
SRMC The short-run marginal cost of the Generator
Price Received The price received by the Generator
Generation The generation of the Generator
Reserve The spare capacity used to provide reserve by the Generator
UC Before The unit commitment before rounding
UC After The unit commitment after rounding
Min Stable Level The min stable level of the Generator
Rating The rating of the Generator
Available Units The number of available units at the Generator
Deficit Capacity deficit in the Region after rounding
Energy Constrained Yes/No flag if the Generator is energy-constrained
Min Up Time The min up time of the Generator
Hours Up The number of hours since the unit started up
Min Up Time Active Yes/No flag if the min up time impacted the rounding decision
Min Down Time The min down time of the Generator
Hours Down The number of hours since the unit shut down
Min Down Time Active Yes/No flag if the min down time impacted the rounding decision