Generator Hydro Efficiency Optimality

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:-1
Validation Rule:In (-1,0,2)
Key Property:No
Description:Controls when integers are used to enforce multi-band hydro efficiency functions to dispatch in order

Generator Hydro Efficiency Optimality controls when integers are used to enforce multi-band hydro efficiency functions to dispatch in order. The option only applies to Generator objects with a Head Storage that define Efficiency Incr and Load Point in multiple bands. The setting can take one of the following values:

Auto (value = -1, default)
If the simulation phase is 'chronological' e.g. ST Schedule or LT Plan/MT Schedule with sampled or fitted chronology then integers constraints are enforced, otherwise they are relaxed.
Linear (value = 0)
The integer constraints are relaxed regardless of the simulation chronology settings.
Integer (value = 2)
The integer constraints are enforced regardless of the simulation chronology settings.

Note that this setting is independent to Unit Commitment Optimality.