Transmission Index

Transmission Attributes

NameUnitsDefault ValueValidation RuleDescription
Allow Dump EnergyYes/No-1In (0,-1)Model Dump Energy in OPF
Allow Unserved EnergyYes/No-1In (0,-1)Model Unserved Energy in OPF
Bound Node Phase AnglesYes/No0In (0,-1)If the Node [Phase Angle] values are subject to bounds in absolute value.
Cache Transmission MatricesYes/No0In (0,-1)Cache the transmission matrices to disk for future use.
Calculate Node LPF from Load-0In (0,1)Automatically calculate Node LPF from input Load property
Commitment PTDF Threshold-0≥0Minimum absolute value of PTDF coefficient in commitment solves.
Constraint Limit Penalty$/MWh-1Penalty for exceeding line and transformer limits.
Constraint Voltage ThresholdkV0≥0Voltage level at which thermal limits are modelled.
Constraints EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If transmission line constraints are enabled.
Contingency Limit Penalty$/MWh-1Penalty for exceeding contingency flow limits.
Contingency Monitoring Threshold%100Between 0 And 100Monitor only this percentage of most affected Line/Transformer/Interface flows.
Convergence Report Level-1In (0,1,2)Level of screen reporting during transmission convergence iterations (none, normal, verbose)
Detail-1In (0,1,2)Level of detail used in transmission modeling
Detect Non-physical LossesYes/No0In (0,-1)If non-physical losses should be detected (in the piecewise linear loss model) and removed via mixed-integer programming
Energy Balance Violation VariablesYes/No0In (0,-1)Include violation variables on the transmission system energy balance equations
Enforce Limits On Lines In InterfacesYes/No0In (0,-1)If lines and transformers in interfaces should have their limits enforced regardless of voltage
Enforce N-1 ContingenciesYes/No0In (0,-1)If N-1 contingencies should be automatically enforced.
Filter LimitsYes/No0In (0,-1)If transmission limits are filtered using extreme flows from MT Schedule
Flow PTDF Threshold-0.01≥0Minimum absolute value of PTDF as coefficient in transmission flow constraints.
Formulate UpfrontYes/No0In (0,-1)If transmission constraints should all be formulated upfront rather than checked iteratively.
Interface Constraints EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If interface constraints are enabled.
Interface Limit Penalty$/MWh-1Penalty for exceeding interface flow limits.
Internal VoLL$100000Between 0 And 1E+9Value of Lost Load used internally
Interruption SharingYes/No0In (0,-1)If region interruption sharing is activated.
Limit Bootstrap Initial Threshold-2≥0Initial value of [Limit Threshold] during transmission constraint bootstrap phase.
Limit Bootstrap Threshold Decrement-0.25Between 0 And 1[Limit Threshold] decrement used for each iteration of transmission bootstrap phase.
Limit Threshold-0.95Between 0 And 1Line, Transformer, or Interface flow loading threshold above which limits are added.
LODF Threshold-0.03≥0Minimum absolute value of LODF to be used in contingency flow constraints.
Loss Method-0In (0,1,3,4,5)Formulation method used to model transmission losses.
Loss Tolerance-1E-05≥0Relative gap between real and modelled losses.
Loss Voltage ThresholdkV0≥0Voltage level at which losses are modelled.
Losses EnabledYes/No0In (0,-1)If transmission losses are enabled.
Max Absolute Phase Anglerad6.28Between 0 And 6.28318530717958Maximum absolute value allowed for any Node [Phase Angle].
Max Embedded Loss Iterations-2≥0Maximum number of iterations for removing embedded losses from load.
Max Limit Iterations-1000≥0Maximum number of iterations during any one call to enforce transmission limits.
Max Loss Absolute Error-0≥0Maximum allowed absolute error in the piecewise linear loss function.
Max Loss Iterations-50≥1Maximum number of iterations for converging the losses.
Max Loss Relative Error-0≥0Maximum allowed relative error in the piecewise linear loss function.
Max Loss Tranches-100≥1Maximum number of tranches in piecewise linear line loss function.
MVA Base-100≥0MVA base for AC line parameters.
N-1 Contingency Voltage ThresholdkV0≥0Voltage level at which N-1 contingencies are automatically enforced.
OPF Method-0In (0,1)Method for solving optimal power flow.
PTDF Method-0In (0,1,2,3,4)Method for computation of shift factors
Reactance Cut-off-0Smallest allowable reactance before line is removed during the OPF.
Rental Method-0In (0,1)Method used to calculate transmission rentals
Report All Interregional FlowsYes/No-1In (0,-1)If line flows between regions should be reported regardless of kV.
Report All Interzonal FlowsYes/No-1In (0,-1)If line flows between zones should be reported regardless of kV.
Report EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If transmission reporting is enabled.
Report Injection and Load NodesYes/No0In (0,-1)If all injection and load buses (nodes) are reported on (regardless of voltage)
Report Lines In InterfacesYes/No0In (0,-1)If all flows on lines selected interfaces are reported
Report Voltage ThresholdkV0≥0Voltage level at which transmission reporting begins.
SCUC Constraint Voltage ThresholdkV0≥0Voltage level at which SCUC line thermal limits are modelled.
SCUC EnabledYes/No0In (0,-1)If security constrained unit commitment (SCUC) is enabled
SCUC Interface Constraints EnabledYes/No0In (0,-1)If enabled interface constraints are monitored in SCUC.
USE Threshold%100Between 0 And 100Formulates the [Unserved Energy] variables on the top x% nodes (highest load).
Wheeling PTDF Threshold-0.05≥0Minimum absolute value of PTDF as coefficient in wheeling definitions.
Zero Limit Treatment-0In (0,1)Treatment of AC elements with zero limits