Storage Inflow Column
Column Type = Text

The presence of non-null data in this column will trigger the Inflow Storage Logic and will set the Recharge Capacity of the storage unit to zero. The resolved values represent MWh which will be added or subtracted to the resource’s storage contents each hour.  This is independent of the charging and generation which might also take place. This column can be used for storage resources in conjunction with the Must Run and Minimum Capacity columns.

NOTE: Use of the Inflow Storage Logic on a large number of resources can significantly impact run time. Energy Exemplar testing showed that for each resource modeled in this way, run time will be increased by 3-5 seconds per year of the study.  This increase in run time will not vary across different sampling configurations within a given year.

For more information, see Storage Resources.


 NOTE: If the FUEL reference is specified for this variable the value in the Fuel table will be applied.

 NOTE: Inputs can be specified for any time period (annual, monthly, weekly, hourly or sub-hourly). For information on how to specify a time series for a variable, see Entering a Time Series.


 Input Tables

 New Resources Table

 Storage Inflow Column