This column holds the ID(s) to be used in the rule for the Rule Operator; the IDs come from the Link, Resources, New Resources, Operating Pools or Zone Definition tables. Multiple IDs must be comma delimited.
NOTE: The Rule ID must be the same for each record belonging to a single OpRuleID.
For Rule Operator = Resource, this should be a comma delimited list of resource and new resource, or resource group IDs.
When Rule Parameter = Committed/Committed MW resources must be designated as commitment type units (i.e. Non Cycling must be non-zero).
When Rule Parameter = Generation MW, the option for more complex constraints can be created by adding a multiplier to a resource ID. It is entered as a number (the multiplier), then the * sign, followed by the resource ID in the comma delimited list (if nothing is specified, the factor is assumed to be 1). For example, an entry of "5599,-1*5656" defines the ID limit as [Output from Unit 5599] + (-1)*[Output from Unit 5656].
A new resource ID is referenced as NR_ID_ followed by the ID from the New Resources table, for example NR_ID_1234. During LT studies, any resource option resulting from that ID will participate in the operating rule. In non-LT studies, resource options resulting from that ID that are in the RMT table will participate in the operating rule (as identified by the Input New Resource column).
Resource groups are referenced as RG_ followed by the Number/ID from the Resource Groups table, for example RG_WECC_WT_WIND. For multiple resource groups, the RG_ reference is just included on the first ID, for example RG_WA, OR, ID.
NOTE: If a resource ID is invalid it will be ignored, but any remaining, valid records will be used. Resource group IDs cannot be used in tandem with resource/new resource IDs.
For multi-link transfer limits, this should be a comma delimited list of area-to-area or zone-to-zone links, or encompassing zone/pools which are part of the corridor/nomogram.
For Rule Operator = Zone Link or Area Link it is input in the format “1_2”. Note that the direction matters.
For Area Link this is the link from area 1 to area 2 as specified in the Area Number column of the Areas table.
For Rule Operator = Zone Import/Export or Pool Import/Export it is input as the zone or pool ID(s) for which all links that connect to/from the listed zone/pools will be used.
For Pool Export a "1" would represent pool ID 1 from the Operating Pools table and limit links to all other pools that connect to pool 1.
Rule ID Column