Random Forced Outage Resources

Three methods of treating forced outages for resources are available. These methods apply random forced outage for each resource for a time period (day or month) using the standard Risk input table or dynamically by using the frequency duration method or convergent outage method.

The dynamic random outage methods allows units to fail or return to service at any time step within the simulation, not just at the beginning of a month or a day.  Outages assume units are either fully available or completely out of service. Partial capacity outages are not modeled in this implementation.

Three additional columns allow definition of resources for the dynamic random outage risk treatment.


 NOTE: If the FUEL reference is specified for this variable the value in the Fuel Table will be applied. This allows the user to define most of the outage information through the fuel table with selective overrides specified by resource.


 Input Tables

 Resources Table

 Random Forced Outage Resources

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