Enforce Shadow Price Cap with Penalty Vars

When this logic box is checked, the model will add a penalty variable to each branch/corridor constraint (N-0 and N-x) and price it at the value of the Branch and Corridor Shadow Price Cap.  

This allows the limit to be exceeded if necessary (e.g., when infeasible or extremely binding), but at a price.  In other words, the shadow price cap becomes the cost at which the model will let the branch/corridor limit be violated. The price is applied to each megawatt of limit violation. With this option, there will be no infeasible hours.

 NOTE: The Assign Non-Flow Constraints to MCE switch must be selected if Enforce Shadow Price Cap with Penalty Vars is not checked. 

To make a branch ineligible for the relaxation, set the Allow Infeas Repair column to False.

Messages are written to the NodalStudyLog output table, when Debug level messaging is on, which give information about which constraints are relaxed.

 Simulation Options


 Enforce Shadow Price Cap with Penalty Vars

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