Generator Head Storage Efficiency Scalar

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Generation efficiency scalar at the given [Efficiency Point]

Generator Head Storage Efficiency Scalar is used to model the effect of 'head' on hydro generation efficiency. It is the generation efficiency scalar associated with the multi-band Efficiency Point. Efficiency Scalar should be defined in multiple bands with the highest value in band 1 and monotonically non-increasing thereafter as in the following example. The Efficiency Scalar values modify the efficiency curve defined by Efficiency Base and Efficiency Incr. Value less than unity imply that efficiency is reduced, values above unity that efficiency is increased.


Property Value Units Band
Efficiency Point 95 % 1
Efficiency Point 85 % 2
Efficiency Point 75 % 3
Efficiency Point 65 % 4
Efficiency Point 55 % 5
Efficiency Point 45 % 6
Efficiency Point 35 % 7
Efficiency Point 25 % 8
Efficiency Point 15 % 9
Efficiency Point 5 % 10
Efficiency Scalar 1 - 1
Efficiency Scalar 0.982975728 - 2
Efficiency Scalar 0.965386854 - 3
Efficiency Scalar 0.947173173 - 4
Efficiency Scalar 0.928262958 - 5
Efficiency Scalar 0.908569604 - 6
Efficiency Scalar 0.887986918 - 7
Efficiency Scalar 0.866382291 - 8
Efficiency Scalar 0.843586464 - 9
Efficiency Scalar 0.819377554 - 10

Note that the Min Stable Level (or Min Stable Factor) may also vary according to the available head.

There are two solution approaches available for modeling head effects - see Generator Head Effects Method.