Name | Units | Default Value | Validation Rule | Description |
Latitude | ° | 0 | Latitude | |
Longitude | ° | 0 | Longitude |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
AC Reactive Power | MVAr (Metric), (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | The reactive power injected or withdrawn from a node, as determined by an AC power flow solution | |
AC Voltage Magnitude | pu | False | 1 | False | The per-unit voltage magnitude of a node, as determined by an AC power flow solution | |
Allow Dump Energy | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | Model Node [Dump Energy] in the mathematical program. |
Allow Unserved Energy | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | Model Node [Unserved Energy] in the mathematical program. |
Always Calculate PTDF | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | Flag if the PTDFs associated with the node and transmission constraints will be calculated |
DSP Bid Price | $/MWh | True | 0 | False | Demand-side participation bid price | |
DSP Bid Quantity | MW | True | 0 | False | Demand-side participation bid quantity | |
DSP Bid Ratio | % | True | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Demand-side participation quantity as a percentage of nodal load |
Enable ATC Calculation | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,1,2,3) | False | Flag if ATC calculation should be enabled for the node. |
Fixed Generation | MW | False | 0 | False | Fixed (or embedded) generation at the node | |
Fixed Load | MW | False | 0 | False | Fixed load at the node | |
Formulate Load | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | Flag if the Load is formulated as a decision variable |
Is Slack Bus | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | Set if this is the slack bus |
Is Unmapped Resource Bus | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | Set if this is the unmapped resource bus |
Load | MW | True | 0 | False | Load | |
Load Participation Factor | - | False | 1 | Between -1 And 1 | False | Proportion of region load that occurs at the node |
Maintenance Factor | - | False | 1 | ≥0 | False | Maintenance biasing factor |
Max Maintenance | MW | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum generation capacity allowed to be scheduled on maintenance |
Max Net Injection | MW | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum net injection |
Max Net Offtake | MW | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum net offtake |
Max Unserved Energy | MW | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Maximum allowed Unserved Energy at the node. |
Min Capacity Reserve Margin | % | False | -1E+30 | False | Minimum capacity reserve margin | |
Min Capacity Reserves | MW | False | -1E+30 | False | Minimum capacity reserves | |
Must Report | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | If the node must be reported regardless of voltage |
Price | $/MWh | False | 0 | False | Locational marginal price | |
Rating | MW | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum power flow through the Node |
Reference Generation | MW | False | 1 | False | Reference generation from the network case file | |
Reference Load | MW | False | 1 | False | Reference load for distributed load slack model | |
Units | - | False | 1 | In (0,1) | True | Flag if bus is in service |
Voltage | kV | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Voltage |
x | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution | |
y | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution | |
z | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Emission Charge | $/kg (Metric), $/lb (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Emission charge for emissions consumed at the node in a virtual emission network | |
Max Emissions | kg (Metric), lb (U.S. Imperial) | False | 1E+30 | False | Maximum amount of emissions consumed at the node in a virtual emission network |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Pricing Weight | - | False | 1 | False | Wheeling charge for exports to the zone |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Load Share | % | False | 100 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Percentage share of load ownership |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Consumption Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Electric Load for each unit of consumption | |
Facility Node Type | - | False | 0 | In (0, 1, 2) | False | Specifies whether Node is an input or an output for the Facility |
Production Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Electric Generation for each unit of production | |
Units Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Electric Load for each installed unit | |
Units Operating Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Electric Load for each unit operating |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Dump Energy Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of dump energy (over generation) | |
Generation Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of node generation | |
Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of node load | |
MLF Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of marginal loss factor | |
Net Injection Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of node net injection | |
Net Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of load net of unserved and dump energy | |
Phase Angle Coefficient | ° | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of node phase angle | |
Unserved Energy Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of unserved energy |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Dump Energy Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of dump energy (over generation) | |
Generation Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of node generation | |
Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of node load | |
MLF Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of marginal loss factor | |
Net Injection Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of node net injection | |
Net Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of load net of unserved and dump energy | |
Phase Angle Coefficient | ° | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of node phase angle | |
Unserved Energy Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of unserved energy |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Net Injection Definition Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of Decision Variable in Node net injection definition equation |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of node demand in condition | |
Unserved Energy Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of unserved energy in condition |
Name | Summary Name | Property Group | Phases | Multi-band | Description |
AC Mismatch - MVA (Metric), (U.S. Imperial) | AC Mismatch - MVA (Metric), (U.S. Imperial) | Production | ST Schedule | False | The magnitude of the complex power mismatch between the left- and right-hand sides of the AC power balance equation, as initialized using a PLEXOS economic dispatch |
Battery Generation - MW | Battery Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation from batteries |
Battery Load - MW | Battery Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Charging load from batteries |
Capacity Reserves - MW | Capacity Reserves - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity reserves (net of Peak Load) |
Charging Station Deferred Load - MW | Charging Station Deferred Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from Charging Stations deferred |
Charging Station Generation - MW | Charging Station Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation from Charging Stations |
Charging Station Hours Deferred - h | Charging Station Hours Deferred - h | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Average hours Charging Station load is deferred in the period |
Charging Station Load - MW | Charging Station Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from Charging Stations |
Cleared DSP Bid Cost - $ | Cleared DSP Bid Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Value of cleared demand-side participation bids |
Cleared DSP Bid Price - $/MWh | Cleared DSP Bid Price - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Price of marginal demand-side participation bid band |
Congestion Charge - $/MWh | Congestion Charge - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Congestion component of locational marginal price |
Contract Generation Capacity - MW | Contract Generation Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Physical contract generation capacity |
Contract Load Obligation - MW | Contract Load Obligation - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Physical contract load obligation |
Curtailable Load - MW | Curtailable Load - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Curtailable (dispatchable) load |
Customer Load - MW | Customer Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load served to customers at the node |
Demand Curtailed - MW | Demand Curtailed - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Demand-side participation bids cleared |
Discrete Maintenance - MW | Discrete Maintenance - GWh | Reliability | PASA | False | Discrete maintenance (defined by Units Out) |
Distributed Maintenance - MW | Distributed Maintenance - GWh | Reliability | PASA | False | Maintenance notionally allocated to period |
DSP Bid Cleared - MW | DSP Bid Cleared - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Quantity cleared in demand-side participation bid band |
DSP Bid Price - $/MWh | DSP Bid Price - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Demand-side participation bid price |
DSP Bid Quantity - MW | DSP Bid Quantity - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Demand-side participation bid quantity |
Dump Energy - MW | Dump Energy - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Dump energy |
EDNS - MW | EDNS - MW | Reliability | PASA | False | Expected Demand Not Served (summary type "Average") |
EENS - MWh | EENS - MWh | Reliability | PASA | False | Expected Energy Not Served (summary type "Sum") |
Energy Charge - $/MWh | Energy Charge - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Energy component of locational marginal price |
Export Capacity - MW | Export Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total export capacity from the Node. |
Exports - MW | Exports - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Exports from the node |
Facility Generation - MW | Facility Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation from connected Facilities |
Facility Load - MW | Facility Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from connected Facilities |
Firm Generation Capacity - MW | Firm Generation Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Firm capacity provided by generators |
Fixed Generation - MW | Fixed Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Fixed (or embedded) generation at the node |
Fixed Load - MW | Fixed Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Fixed load at the node |
Flow - MW | Flow - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Flow through the node |
Gas Plant Load - MW | Gas Plant Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Gas Plant electric load |
Gas Storage Load - MW | Gas Storage Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Gas Storage electric load |
Generation - MW | Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation |
Generation Available Transfer Capacity - MW | Generation Available Transfer Capacity - MW | Capacity | ST Schedule | False | The maximum amount of additional MW generation that is possible between this node and the slack bus(es). |
Generation Capacity - MW | Generation Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Rated capacity (Rating x Units) |
Generation Sent Out - MW | Generation Sent Out - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation net of auxiliaries |
Generator Auxiliary Use - MW | Generator Auxiliary Use - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from generator auxiliaries |
Heat Plant Load - MW | Heat Plant Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Heat Plant electric load |
Import Capacity - MW | Import Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total import capacity to the Node. |
Imports - MW | Imports - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Imports to the node |
Injection Mismatch - MW | Injection Mismatch - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Absolute value of mismatch of injection due to PTDF threshold. |
Load - MW | Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load |
Load Available Transfer Capacity - MW | Load Available Transfer Capacity - MW | Capacity | ST Schedule | False | The maximum amount of additional MW load that is possible between this node and the slack bus(es). |
LOLE - day | LOLE - day | Reliability | PASA | False | Loss Of Load Expected (summary type "Sum") |
LOLP - % | LOLP - % | Reliability | PASA | False | Loss Of Load Probability (summary type "Average") |
Losses - MW | Losses - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Losses allocated to the node |
Maintenance Factor | Maintenance Factor | Reliability | PASA | False | Maintenance biasing factor |
Marginal Loss Charge - $/MWh | Marginal Loss Charge - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Marginal loss component of locational marginal price |
Marginal Loss Factor | Marginal Loss Factor | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Marginal loss factor to slack bus(es) |
Min Capacity Reserves - MW | Min Capacity Reserves - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Minimum capacity reserves |
Min Load - MW | Min Load - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Minimum load across the current period |
Native Load - MW | Native Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Native load |
Net Capacity Interchange - MW | Net Capacity Interchange - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Export Capability - Import Capability |
Net Contract Load - MW | Net Contract Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net of contract sales and generation |
Net DC Export - MW | Net DC Export - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Export from the node on DC lines net of losses |
Net Injection - MW | Net Injection - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net injection (exports - imports) |
Net Market Sales - MW | Net Market Sales - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net sales to external energy markets |
Peak Load - MW | Peak Load - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Peak load across the current period |
Phase Angle - ° | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Node phase angle | |
Price - $/MWh | Price - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Locational marginal price |
Pump Generation - MW | Pump Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation from pumped storage |
Pump Load - MW | Pump Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Pump load |
Purchaser Load - MW | Purchaser Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from cleared purchaser bids |
Unserved Energy - MW | Unserved Energy - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Unserved energy (USE) |
Voltage - kV | Voltage - kV | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Voltage |
Water Plant Load - MW | Water Plant Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Water Plant electric load |
x | x | Pass-through | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
y | y | Pass-through | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
z | z | Pass-through | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
Name | Summary Name | Property Group | Phases | Multi-band | Description |
Emissions - kg (Metric), lb (U.S. Imperial) | Emissions - tonne (Metric), ton (U.S. Imperial) | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Emissions consumed at the node in a virtual emission network |
Name | Summary Name | Property Group | Phases | Multi-band | Description |
Cost - $ | Cost - $000 | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of purchases from the market |
Net Cost - $ | Net Cost - $000 | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net of revenue and cost |
Net Purchases - MW | Net Purchases - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net purchases from the market |
Net Revenue - $ | Net Revenue - $000 | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net of cost and revenue |
Net Sales - MW | Net Sales - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net sales to the market |
Purchases - MW | Purchases - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Purchases from the market |
Revenue - $ | Revenue - $000 | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Revenue from sales to the market |
Sales - MW | Sales - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Sales to the market |