Record Type Column
Column Type = Text (Dropdown Menu)

The Record Type column provides a drop-down menu with all the daily record type options: Fuel, Demand, Resource, Resource ID, Hydro, Link, Input Link, or Portfolio Demand. See the table below for a list of sources based on Record Type:

Record Type

Change Applied To:

Name (auto-populates from):


Fuel Price

Fuel Name column of Fuel table

Fuel ID

Fuel Price

Fuel ID column of Fuel table


Avg Demand for the Day

Zone Name column, only for zones with Run Zone column set to TRUE in the Zone Definition table

Portfolio Demand

Portfolio Demand

Name in Portfolio Information table



Name column of Resources table

Resource ID


ID column of Resources table


Hourly Hydro Factor

Name column from the Hydro Monthly table


Link Capability

Zone-to-zone links as illustrated in System Diagram (an aggregate of area-to-area links as defined in Zone Definition table)

Input Link

Link Capability

ID column (area-to-area links) of Link table


NOTE: For record type Resource & Resource ID, pumped storage unit outages are not eligible for use with the Daily Change table.

Input Tables

Daily Change Table

Record Type Column

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