Portfolio Information Table

This defines the portfolio entities that will be evaluated. The entities may be utilities, customers, portfolios of contracts and positions or any user defined list of contracts and resources.

 NOTE: The number of Portfolios available to the user is inherently unlimited in Aurora.  The only practical limitation may be due to input data structure.  

 NOTE: To perform a Portfolio analysis, click the Run portfolio analysis check box in the Portfolio window of Simulation Options.



Capacity Obligation Input

Capacity Obligation Zone


Demand Number

Demand Type

Hourly Demand Vector

Load Only

Market Area Limit

Market Hub Limit

Market Pool Limit

Market Value Area

Market Value Hub

Market Value Pool

Market Value Resource


Native Price Reference

Net Market Transactions


Primary Key

Purchase Limit


Sale Limit


Aurora has the capability to specify an hourly vector for Portfolio demand.  It is implemented by adding the Hourly Demand Vector column to the Portfolio Info table.  See Hourly Demand Vector for more information.

 Input Tables

 Portfolio Information Table

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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