Demand Column
Column Type = Text

This column is used to specify the annual average demand (in average MW) for each portfolio being evaluated, as of the Demand Base Year. This annual portfolio demand value is shaped on an hourly/monthly basis and escalated for subsequent years in the study just as annual average demand values are for individual areas, namely, according to the referenced demand set, zone or demand collection (as specified in the Demand Number column.). If specified, the Demand Number column must also be populated with the corresponding demand set or no demand will be applied to the portfolio.  

An entry of Full can be used to indicate the portfolio demand is equal to the full/complete demand for the referenced demand set, zone or demand collection.  

If a number is entered in the Demand column, then the model will calculate an average annual demand (in MW) for each of the demand sets, whether referenced directly or by zone or demand collection. The model will then sum up all of these annual values to get a total annual demand amount to be used. 

Once the annual average demand value is calculated, the hourly demand coming from the demand set, zone or demand collection will be multiplied by the input Demand value divided by the annual demand. After this, it has the potential of being adjusted by Risk or Daily Change values specified for the portfolio.

This column should be entered as zero for portfolios that have no end-use demand.  

Portfolio demand (MW) can be verified in the Portfolio Output Table by taking the value in the Energy column (where Item = Total for any time period) and dividing the Energy (MWh) by the number of hours in that time period.

 NOTE: If the Dispatch and Demand setting Use Annual Peak and Energy Demand Inputs is also selected, then be sure the value in this Demand column matches the average annual demand specified in row13 of the Demand Monthly table for the same demand set. Otherwise the specified peak in row14 of the Demand Monthly table will not be honored.

 NOTE: Inputs can be specified for any time period (annual, monthly, weekly, hourly or sub-hourly). For information on how to specify a time series for a variable, see Entering a Time Series.


 Input Tables

 Portfolio Information Table

 Demand Column

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