Use Demand Net of Must-run for Hydro Shaping

Default Setting = False

This option allows hydro shaping to occur based on residual demand after adjustment for output from Must Run resources and resources with Include Capability in Net Demand set as True. When selected, this feature resolves hourly for a month in advance the must-run segments for all units for the given set of hydro shaping areas (specified in the Hydro Monthly and Hydro Vectors input tables), and uses an hourly demand shape adjusted for that must-run energy in the hydro shaping routines. The amount of must-run energy applied will result from adjustments made for Capacity, Forced Outage, Maintenance Rate, and Minimum Capacity. This includes specification of these variables through time series references (see Entering a Time Series for more information). Scheduled maintenance, as specified in the Maint Begin and Maint End columns, is also captured.

 NOTE: If used in conjunction with Risk, the observed hourly profile for must-run units whose operation is stochastic will not be reflected. This is true for both the frequency duration outage method and standard risk (if implemented at the daily level). This same restriction applies to resource capabilities adjusted through the Daily Change table which affect must-run output.

 NOTE: A run slowdown may occur at the beginning of each month if there are numerous resources that use hourly, sub-hourly or weekly vectors (using references to the Time Series Hourly,  Time Series SubHourly or Time Series Weekly input tables) for the above variables.

NOTE: When using ramp rates with the Nodal Capability, the current hour’s constraints (maximum resource capability) will be based on the previous hour’s nodal output for each zonal resource that is mapped to one or more nodal generators.

 Simulation Options


 Solution Settings

 Use Demand Net of Must-run for Hydro Shaping

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