Line Index

Line Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
AC Line Charging SusceptancepuFalse0FalseThe line-charging susceptance of a transmission line
Build Cost$000True0FalseCost of building the line
Build Non-anticipativity$/MWFalse-1FalsePrice for violating non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-wise decomposition mode
Circuits-True1≥1FalseNumber of circuits in the notional interconnector for the purposes of outage modelling
Commission Date-False1≥0FalseDate the line was commissioned for use with [Technical Life]
Contingency Limit Penalty$/MWhFalse-1FalsePenalty for exceeding contingency flow limits
Debt Charge$000False0FalseAnnual debt charge
Economic LifeyrFalse30≥0FalseEconomic life of the line (period over which fixed costs are recovered).
Enforce Limits-False1In (0,1,2,3)FalseControls when flow limits are enforced with regard to Transmission [Constraint Voltage Threshold].
Equity Charge$000False0FalseAnnual required return on equity
Expansion Optimality-False2In (0,2)FalseExpansion planning integerization scheme.
Firm CapacityMWFalse0FalseNet capacity reserves exported
Fixed Charge$/kW/yrTrue0FalseGeneric annual fixed charge
Fixed FlowMWFalse0FalseFixed flow on line
Fixed Flow Method-False1In (0,1)FalseMethod of interpreting zero values of the [Fixed Flow] property.
Fixed Flow Penalty$/MWhFalse-1FalsePenalty for violation of [Fixed Flow].
Fixed LossMWFalse0FalseFixed loss on line
Flow Non-anticipativity$False0FalsePrice for violating non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-wise decomposition mode
Flow Non-anticipativity TimehFalse0≥0FalseWindow of time over which to enforce non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-wise decomposition
FO&M Charge$000False0FalseAnnual fixed operation and maintenance charge
Forced Outage Rate%True0Between 0 And 100FalseExpected proportion of time the facility is unavailable due to forced outage
Formulate NPL UpfrontYes/NoFalse0In (0,-1)FalseIf integer conditions that control non-physical losses should be formulated upfront rather than checked iteratively
Formulate UpfrontYes/NoFalse0In (0,-1)FalseIf constraints should all be formulated upfront rather than checked iteratively.
Hint Units Built-False0≥0FalseCapacity expansion solution to be passed to the optimizer as a hint or initial solution
Hint Units Retired-False0≥0FalseCapacity expansion solution to be passed to the optimizer as a hint or initial solution
Integerization HorizonyrFalse-1≥-1FalseNumber of years over which the expansion decisions are integerized
Lead TimeyrFalse0≥0FalseNumber of years after which the expansion project can begin
Limit Penalty$/MWhFalse-1FalsePenalty for exceeding the flow limits on the line
Loss Allocation-False0.5Between 0 And 1FalseProportion of line losses allocated to the receiving node
Loss Base-False0FalseInterconnector loss function constant parameter for reference direction flows
Loss Base Back-False0FalseInterconnector loss function constant parameter for counter-reference direction flows
Loss Incr-True0FalseInterconnector loss function linear parameter for reference direction flows
Loss Incr Back-True0FalseInterconnector loss function linear parameter for counter-reference direction flows
Loss Incr2-False0FalseInterconnector loss function quadratic parameter for reference direction flows
Loss Incr2 Back-False0FalseInterconnector loss function quadratic parameter for counter-reference direction flows
Maintenance Frequency-True0≥0FalseFrequency of maintenance outages in an annual timeframe
Maintenance Rate%True0Between 0 And 100FalseExpected proportion of time the facility is unavailable due to maintenance
Marginal Loss Factor-False1FalseTransmission marginal loss factor (MLF or TLF) for exports
Marginal Loss Factor Back-False1FalseTransmission marginal loss factor (MLF or TLF) for imports
Max Capacity ReservesMWFalse1E+30FalseMaximum amount of capacity reserves supplied to the receiving Region/Zone.
Max FlowMWTrue1E+30FalseMaximum flow
Max Loss Tranches-False2≥2FalseMaximum number of tranches in piecewise linear loss function.
Max Ramp DownMW/minTrue1E+30≥0FalseMaximum ramp down rate
Max Ramp UpMW/minTrue1E+30≥0FalseMaximum ramp up rate
Max RatingMWFalse1E+30FalseRated maximum (overrides Max Flow)
Max Time To RepairhTrue0≥0FalseMaximum time to repair (hr)
Max Units Built-False0In (0,1)FalseMaximum number of units automatically constructed in aggregate over the planning horizon
Max Units Built in Year-False1In (0,1)FalseMaximum number of units automatically constructed in any single year of the planning horizon
Max Units Retired-False0In (0,1)FalseMaximum number of units automatically retired in aggregate over the planning horizon
Max Units Retired in Year-False1In (0,1)FalseMaximum number of units automatically retired in any single year of the planning horizon
Mean Time to RepairhTrue24≥0FalseMean time to repair
Min Capacity ReservesMWFalse-1E+30FalseMinimum amount of capacity reserves supplied to the receiving Region/Zone.
Min FlowMWTrue-1E+30FalseMinimum flow
Min RatingMWFalse-1E+30FalseRated minimum (overrides Min Flow)
Min Time To RepairhTrue0≥0FalseMinimum time to repair (hr)
Min Units Built-False0In (0,1)FalseMinimum number of lines automatically constructed
Min Units Built in Year-False0In (0,1)FalseMinimum number of units automatically constructed in any single year of the planning horizon
Min Units Retired-False0In (0,1)FalseMinimum number of lines automatically retired
Min Units Retired in Year-False0In (0,1)FalseMinimum number of units automatically retired in any single year of the planning horizon
Must ReportYes/NoFalse0In (0,-1)FalseIf the Line must be reported regardless of Transmission [Report Voltage Threshold].
Offer BaseMWFalse0FalseBase dispatch point for balancing offer
Offer Price$/MWhTrue10000FalsePrice offered in band for reference direction flows
Offer Price Back$/MWhTrue10000FalsePrice offered in band for counter-reference direction flows
Offer QuantityMWTrue0FalseQuantity offered in band for reference direction flows
Offer Quantity BackMWTrue0FalseQuantity offered in band for counter-reference direction flows
Offer Quantity Format-False0In (0,1)FalseFormat for [Offer Quantity] and [Offer Price]
Outage Max RatingMWTrue0FalseLine rating in the reference direction during outage
Outage Min RatingMWTrue0FalseLine rating in the counter-reference direction during outage
Overload Max RatingMWFalse0FalseEmergency line rating in the reference direction
Overload Min RatingMWFalse0FalseEmergency line rating in the counter-reference direction
Price SettingYes/NoFalse-1In (0,-1)FalseFlag if the Line can transfer price across the network
Project Start Date-False36526≥0FalseStart date of transmission project, for expansion planning.
Ramp Down PointMWTrue1E+30FalseFlow for use with multi-band Max Ramp Down constraints
Ramp Penalty$/MWFalse0FalsePenalty for changes in flow on the line
Ramp Up PointMWTrue1E+30FalseFlow for use with multi-band Max Ramp Up constraints
Random Number Seed-False0Between 0 And 2147483647FalseRandom number seed assigned to the Line for the generation of outages
ReactancepuFalse0FalseTogether with any resistance this makes up the lines impedance
Repair Time Distribution-True-1In (-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)FalseDistribution used to generate repair times (Auto,Constant,Uniform,Triangular,Exponential,Weibull,Lognormal,SEV,LEV)
Repair Time Scale-True0FalseRepair time function scale parameter (for exponential,Weibull,lognormal,SEV,LEV)
Repair Time Shape-True0FalseRepair time function shape parameter (for Weibull,lognormal)
ResistancepuFalse0FalseA measure of the line's opposition to the flow of electric charge
Retire Non-anticipativity$/MWFalse-1FalsePrice for violating non-anticipativity constraints in scenario-wise decomposition mode
Retirement Cost$000False0FalseCost of retiring the line
Screening Mode-False1In (0,1,2)FalseThe set of lines that should be screened for post-contingency flow under screen contingencies
SusceptancepuFalse0FalseThe reciprocal of the reactance of a circuit and thus the imaginary part of its admittance
Technical LifeyrFalse1E+30≥0FalseTechnical lifetime of the line
Type-False0In (0,1)FalseLine expansion type
Units-False1In (0,1)TrueFlag if the line is in service (0,1)
Units Out-True0≥0FalseNumber of units (circuits) out of service
WACC%False10≥0FalseWeighted average cost of capital
Wheeling Charge$/MWhFalse0FalseWheeling charge for reference direction flows
Wheeling Charge Back$/MWhFalse0FalseWheeling charge for counter-reference direction flows
x-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution
y-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution
z-True0FalseValue to pass-through to solution

Line Companies Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Share%False100Between 0 And 100FalsePercentage share of ownership

Line Maintenances Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Outage Max RatingMWFalse0FalseLine rating in the reference direction during outage
Outage Min RatingMWFalse0FalseLine rating in the counter-reference direction during outage

Line Constraints Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Build Cost Coefficient$False0FalseCoefficient of total build cost
Export Capacity Built CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of export capacity built
Export Capacity CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of export capacity
Export Capacity Retired CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of export capacity retired
Flow Back CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of counter-reference direction flow
Flow CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of flow
Flow Forward CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of reference direction flow
Flow Squared Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of square of line flow
Flowing Back Coefficient-False0FalseBoolean value (1 if the line is flowing in the counter-reference direction, 0 otherwise)
Flowing Forward Coefficient-False0FalseBoolean value (1 if the line is flowing in the reference direction, 0 otherwise)
Import Capacity Built CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of import capacity built
Import Capacity CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of import capacity
Import Capacity Retired CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of import capacity retired
In Service Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of 0,1 flag indicating if the Line is installed and in service
Out of Service Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of 0,1 flag indicating if the Line is either not installed or out of service
Sharing CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of reserve shared on the line
Spare Export Capacity CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient on spare line capacity in the reference direction
Spare Import Capacity CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient on spare line capacity in the counter-reference direction
Units Built Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units built
Units Built in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of lines built in the year
Units Out Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of units out
Units Retired Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units retired
Units Retired in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of lines retired in the year

Line Objectives Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Build Cost Coefficient$False0FalseCoefficient of total build cost
Export Capacity Built CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of export capacity built
Export Capacity CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of export capacity
Export Capacity Retired CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of export capacity retired
Flow Back CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of counter-reference direction flow
Flow CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of flow
Flow Forward CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of reference direction flow
Flowing Back Coefficient-False0FalseBoolean value (1 if the line is flowing in the counter-reference direction, 0 otherwise)
Flowing Forward Coefficient-False0FalseBoolean value (1 if the line is flowing in the reference direction, 0 otherwise)
Import Capacity Built CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of import capacity built
Import Capacity CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of import capacity
Import Capacity Retired CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of import capacity retired
In Service Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of 0,1 flag indicating if the Line is installed and in service
Out of Service Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of 0,1 flag indicating if the Line is either not installed or out of service
Sharing CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of reserve shared on the line
Spare Export Capacity CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient on spare line capacity in the reference direction
Spare Import Capacity CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient on spare line capacity in the counter-reference direction
Units Built Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units built
Units Built in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of lines built in the year
Units Out Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of units out
Units Retired Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of units retired
Units Retired in Year Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of number of lines retired in the year

Line Conditions Input Properties

NameUnitsMulti-bandDefault ValueValidation RuleKey PropertyDescription
Flow Back CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of counter-reference direction flow in condition
Flow CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of line flow in condition
Flow Forward CoefficientMWFalse0FalseCoefficient of reference direction flow in condition
Flowing Back Coefficient-False0FalseBoolean value (1 if the line is flowing in the counter-reference direction, 0 otherwise)
Flowing Forward Coefficient-False0FalseBoolean value (1 if the line is flowing in the reference direction, 0 otherwise)
In Service Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of 0,1 flag indicating if the Line is installed and in service
Out of Service Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of 0,1 flag indicating if the Line is either not installed or out of service
Units Out Coefficient-False0FalseCoefficient of units out

Line Output Properties

NameSummary NameProperty GroupPhasesMulti-bandDescription
Annualized Build Cost - $000Annualized Build Cost - $000ExpansionLT PlanFalseAnnualized cost of building the line
Available Transfer Capability - MWAvailable Transfer Capability - GWhCapacityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseAvailable transfer capability on the line.
Available Transfer Capability Back - MWAvailable Transfer Capability Back - GWhCapacityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseAvailable transfer capability on the line in the counter-reference direction.
Build Cost - $000Build Cost - $000ExpansionLT PlanFalseCost of building the line
Capacity Reserves - MWCapacity Reserves - MWCapacityLT Plan, PASAFalseContribution of the line to region capacity reserves
Cleared Offer Cost - $Cleared Offer Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseArea cleared under offer curve
Cleared Offer Price - $/MWhCleared Offer Price - $/MWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalsePrice of marginal offer band
Debt Cost - $Debt Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of debt
Discrete Maintenance - MWDiscrete Maintenance - GWhReliabilityPASAFalsePlanned reference direction capacity out of service
Discrete Maintenance Back - MWDiscrete Maintenance Back - GWhReliabilityPASAFalsePlanned counter-reference direction capacity out of service
Distributed Maintenance - MWDistributed Maintenance - GWhReliabilityPASAFalseIdeal reference direction capacity out on maintenance
Distributed Maintenance Back - MWDistributed Maintenance Back - GWhReliabilityPASAFalseIdeal counter-reference direction capacity out on maintenance
Equity Cost - $Equity Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of equity
Export Capacity Built - MWExport Capacity Built - MWExpansionLT PlanFalseExport capacity gained from new builds
Export Capacity Retired - MWExport Capacity Retired - MWExpansionLT PlanFalseExport capacity lost to retirements
Export Cost - $Export Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of energy exported
Export Limit - MWExport Limit - MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseMaximum flow allowed on the line
Export Revenue - $Export Revenue - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseRevenue from energy exported
Firm Capacity - MWFirm Capacity - MWCapacityLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNet capacity reserves exported
Fixed Flow - MWFixed Flow - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseFixed flow on line
Fixed Flow Violation - MWFixed Flow Violation - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseViolation of [Fixed Flow] constraint.
Fixed Flow Violation Cost - $Fixed Flow Violation Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of [Fixed Flow] violations.
Fixed Flow Violation Hours - hFixed Flow Violation Hours - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours that [Fixed Flow] is violated.
Flow - MWFlow - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseFlow
Flow Back - MWFlow Back - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseFlow on the line in the counter-reference direction
FO&M Cost - $FO&M Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseFixed operation and maintenance cost
Forced Outage - MWForced Outage - GWhReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCapacity forced out
Forced Outage Rate - %Forced Outage Rate - %ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseProportion of installed capacity on forced outage
Hours Congested - hHours Congested - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours line is congested in the reference direction in pre-contingency state
Hours Congested Back - hHours Congested Back - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours line is congested in the counter-reference direction
Hours Congested Total - hHours Congested Total - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours line is congested in the reference direction
Import Capacity Built - MWImport Capacity Built - MWExpansionLT PlanFalseImport capacity gained from new builds
Import Capacity Retired - MWImport Capacity Retired - MWExpansionLT PlanFalseImport capacity lost to retirements
Import Cost - $Import Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of energy imported
Import Limit - MWImport Limit - MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseMinimum flow allowed on the line
Import Revenue - $Import Revenue - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseRevenue from energy imported
Loading - %Loading - %ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseLoading relative to thermal limit.
Loading Back - %Loading Back - %ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseLoading in the counter-reference direction relative to thermal limit.
Loss - MWLoss - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseLosses
Loss Back - MWLoss Back - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseLosses on flows in the counter-reference direction
Maintenance - MWMaintenance - GWhReliabilityLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseTotal capacity out of service in the reference direction (discrete + distributed)
Maintenance Back - MWMaintenance Back - GWhReliabilityLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseTotal capacity out of service in the reverse reference direction (discrete + distributed)
Maintenance Rate - %Maintenance Rate - %ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseProportion of installed capacity on maintenance outage
Marginal Loss - %Marginal Loss - %ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseMarginal loss
Marginal Loss Factor Marginal Loss FactorProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseTransmission marginal loss factor (MLF or TLF) for exports
Max Flow - MWMax Flow - MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseMaximum flow
Min Flow - MWMin Flow - MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseMinimum flow
Net Flow - MWNet Flow - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNet Flow on the line
Net Profit - $Net Profit - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNet profit = net revenue - fixed costs
Non-physical Loss - MWNon-physical Loss - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNon-physical losses in the reference direction
Non-physical Loss Back - MWNon-physical Loss Back - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNon-physical losses in the counter-reference direction
Offer Base - MWOffer Base - MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseBase dispatch point for balancing offer
Offer Cleared - MWOffer Cleared - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueQuantity cleared in band
Offer Cleared Back - MWOffer Cleared Back - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueQuantity cleared in band
Offer Price - $/MWhOffer Price - $/MWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTruePrice offered in band for reference direction flows
Offer Price Back - $/MWhOffer Price Back - $/MWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTruePrice offered in band for counter-reference direction flows
Offer Quantity - MWOffer Quantity - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueQuantity offered in band for reference direction flows
Offer Quantity Back - MWOffer Quantity Back - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueQuantity offered in band for counter-reference direction flows
Overload Export Limit - MWOverload Export Limit - MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseMaximum post-contingency flow allowed on the line
Overload Import Limit - MWOverload Import Limit - MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseMinimum post-contingency flow allowed on the line
Ramp - MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseChange in flow
Ramp Cost - $Ramp Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of ramping
Rental - $Rental - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseRental / settlement surplus in pre-contingency state
Rental Back - $Rental Back - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseRental / settlement surplus in the counter-reference direction
Rental Total - $Rental Total - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseRental / settlement surplus
Retirement Cost - $000Retirement Cost - $000ExpansionLT PlanFalseCost of retiring the line
Service Factor - %Service Factor - %ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseProportion of installed capacity available for transfer
Shadow Price - $/MWShadow Price - $/MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseShadow/expansion price in pre-contingency state
Shadow Price Back - $/MWShadow Price Back - $/MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseShadow/expansion price for counter-reference direction flows
Shadow Price Total - $/MWShadow Price Total - $/MWProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseShadow/expansion price
Units UnitsProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseFlag if the line is in service (0,1)
Units Built Units BuiltExpansionLT PlanFalseNumber of units built
Units Out ReliabilityLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of units (circuits) out of service
Units Retired Units RetiredExpansionLT PlanFalseNumber of units retired
Violation - MWViolation - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseViolation of flow limit
Violation Back - MWViolation Back - GWhProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseViolation of the flow limit in the counter-reference direction.
Violation Back Hours - hViolation Back Hours - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseNumber of hours the flow limit is violated in the counter-reference direction.
Violation Cost - $Violation Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of violating flow limits
Violation Cost Back - $Violation Cost Back - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseCost of violating the flow limit in the counter-reference direction.
Violation Hours - hViolation Hours - hProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseIf the line is flowing above is minimum or maximum rating
Voltage - kVVoltage - kVProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseVoltage of the line
Wheeling Cost - $Wheeling Cost - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseWheeling cost
Wheeling Cost Back - $Wheeling Cost Back - $000ProductionLT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseWheeling cost of flows in the counter-reference direction
x xPass-throughLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution
y yPass-throughLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution
z zPass-throughLT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleTrueValue to pass-through to solution

Line.Virtual Emissions Output Properties

NameSummary NameProperty GroupPhasesMulti-bandDescription
Emission Flow - kg (Metric), lb (U.S. Imperial)Emission Flow - tonne (Metric), ton (U.S. Imperial)-LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST ScheduleFalseEmissions flow on the line in virtual emission network