Type Column
Column Type = Text (Dropdown Menu)

Use this column with the Normalize Demand and Hydro and Use Annual Peak and Energy Demand Inputs logic checkboxes located in the Dispatch and Demand folder under Simulation Options.  

This column is required when using names (instead of numbers) in the Number column. This column is not required when only using numbers in the Number column. If this column is NOT included, the data will be used for Escalation as described below. Otherwise, this column contains a dropdown menu with the following options:


NOTE: The value entered in a row must reference a record in the Time Series Annual Table, which specifies the annual escalation of demand (in percent) for each demand set. See Entering a Time Series for more information.

The Use annual peak and energy demand inputs logic switch should be selected for the following:

NOTE: The value entered in a row must reference a record in the Time Series Annual Table, which specifies the annual escalation of demand (in percent) for each demand area. See Entering a Time Series for more information.

NOTE: If the Use annual peak and energy demand inputs logic check box is not selected, this row is ignored. If this row missing the default is TRUE and the peak specified in row 14 of the Demand Monthly table will be used for all demand areas.

Comparison of Methods

**Note that lowest demand hours have biggest differences



NOTE: The value entered in a row must be a time series reference, typically to a record in the Time Series Hourly Table which specifies the hourly shape for the demand set. See Entering a Time Series for more information.

Enter a comma-delimited list of hourly vectors to average multiple time series references together.  For example, enter a list of hourly references to create a single normalized shape from the last five years of historical data. Aurora will create a new shape by averaging them together.

To use a time series hourly reference from a single data year, e.g., 2016, to determine the shape for multiple future years, the reference should be specified with “|DOW” at the end, e.g., hr_WindShape|ERCOTWest|2018|DOW. The Demand Hourly table is no longer required if this method is used.

Input Tables

Demand Escalation Table

Type Column

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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