Quick View Manager 

The Quick View Manager is accessed in the Quick View Window via the button at the top or from Quick View Right-Click Menu or Ctrl +M

See Using Quick Views for more information on creating, using, and customizing views.

See the Quick View Toolbar for more information on these toolbar functions.

Setup Options

This window provides options for editing and automating the use of Quick Views.  


Automatically Load Selected Quick View

Use this checkbox to automatically load the selected Quick Views for viewing at the end of a run. Once checked, click on Quick Views from the list and select them by checking the Open Quick View when Simulation Completes options discussed below.


NOTE: If using the Attach To Email feature below, use .PNG or .JPG file formats for best results when attaching multiple templates or tables that may be more than a couple pages long. These files are smaller in size. The .BMP is typically the largest file of the available formats.

NOTE: Emails that include image file attachments may be filtered as spam by some email software programs. Please check with your email administrator if you experience issues sending/receiving certain file types.

Editing and Saving Queries

This section offers a view of the query syntax used for query tables. To edit the query, see Building Queries and Editing and Saving Queries. You can right-click on the query in thSave as Quick Viewe Quick Views window and select Edit Query.


 Quick Views Window

 Quick View Manager

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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