
Charts are a visually appealing way to display data and provide a quick view and comparison of data. You can create Charts within Aurora and they can be extensively customized to represent selective views of Input or Output data. A chart is displayed in the Chart window, which has many features for customizing the display of the chart.

Any window displaying a data table will have a Chart Button on the Data Table Toolbar. Charts are available for any of the following: Input Tables, Output Tables, Memory Tables, and Computational Dataset tables.

Reusable Chart Setup

Use Charts to create Chart Quick Views that can be saved and re-used. Use the Save As Quick View button to save a chart as a Quick View.

Chart Toolbar

The Chart Window Toolbar offers a variety of sharing functions, as well as some quick formatting options that give you real time formatting changes. More options are available in the Chart Setup and Advanced Designer windows.

Chart Setup

Selecting the Chart button launches the Chart Setup window where you can select data and set some basic layout options. The list on the left holds all of the column names from the grid that was active when the button was clicked. The name of the data table being used by the Chart Setup is shown in the panel at the bottom of the window. The Chart Type selected will change the function of the list boxes on the right of the window.

Chart Types
There are three available chart types: Standard, Histogram, and Scatter charts. The following table summarizes their use:

X-Axis Values to use as labels on the x-axis

Not Used

Independent (X) values for the XY pairs. Only the first entry in the list is used. Fields must be numeric or an error will occur.

Y-Axis Values plotted on the primary y-axis. A chart series is created for each combination of this field and the unique entries resulting from the Grouping fields. Field(s) must be numeric. Values used in the frequency distribution. Field(s) must be numeric. Dependent (Y) values for the XY pairs. Only the first entry in the list is used. Field must be numeric.
Grouping Data A chart series (line/bar) is created for each unique value found in this field. A separate bar is created for each unique value in this field. Groupings of the XY pairs are created for each unique value in this field.
Second Y-Axis

Values plotted on the secondary y-axis. A chart series is created for each combination of this field and the unique entries resulting from the Grouping fields. Field(s) must be numeric.

Not Used Not Used


Organizing Chart Data

Use the data table's Filter and Sort capabilities to organize the data into the desired form before creating the chart. The Chart Setup window will recognize these attributes when assembling the data for charting. For example, to view a subset of all of the Zone Names available in an Output table, create a filtered view with only the desired Zone Names included and then create the chart. Similarly, to create a duration curve for a field, sort by that field before creating the chart. In addition, the Chart Setup window will retain settings from the last chart, so that changes to the filters/sorts on a data table will automatically flow through to the next chart created. Saved chart Quick Views will remember the filter and sort attributes, so this only needs to be done once.

 Productivity Tools


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