The Data Grid in the Input Tables Window is used to select tables or data for use in a study and for informational purposes. Some columns cannot be edited within this grid.
The following columns are provided in the Data Grid:
This column indicates type of input table. The type will automatically be determined by the model based on the set of column names the table includes. All tables of a given type will be grouped together in the grid.
This column indicates whether Aurora requires a table of this type to be present in the study. If the row has a check in this column, the model will not run unless a table of this type is marked for inclusion in the study. If a required table is missing from the study, all tables of the missing type will be marked with a dark orange color.
Click here to select or de-select a table for inclusion in the study. Only one table of a given table type can be used in the study.
This column contains the name of the table within the database. To change a table name, simply right-click in the Data Grid and select Rename Table from the Data Grid Right-Click Menu.
This column displays the status of the table, indicating whether or not it has been read into an in-memory dataset. This column will say Read, Not Read, or Reading. Tables which are already Read will open faster for editing, especially large tables like an Time Series Hourly Table or Resources Table. Opening or editing an unread table will cause it to be read. Once a table is marked as Read it will remain so until the database is reloaded. See Reload DB for more information.
Use this column to select whether the table will be included when Write Input to Output = Selected on the Reporting form of Simulation Options, or when the Write Input to Output button is executed on the Output Tables window.
This is an indicator for whether the table actually exists within the input database file. It is possible for a record to be marked False if a required table type is missing from the database, or if a table is marked for inclusion in the study but cannot be found in the input database.
If the table has been read, this column will indicate the number of records in the table.
This column indicates whether the table is linked into the database from another source. An example of another source is an Excel worksheet. Refer to Link Table for more information.
For tables linked to other data sources, this column displays the path to the external file. Refer to Link Table for more information.
This column is only available in the Nodal Input Tables grid. Use this column to assign different tables for use with various loadflows by entering the desired Network Case ID. For example, you may want to utilize more than one nodal case during the course of a study. However the bus names/numbers may not be the same between datasets which necessitates unique input tables, like more than one Branch Outage or Supplemental table to go with each unique loadflow. Only one table needs to be selected In Study (doesn't matter which one), but the model will automatically switch to the other table(s), as assigned, when it switches loadflows. If not all loadflows are specifically assigned, the unassigned loadflows will use the table selected In Study.
Data Grid Columns
For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.
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