Production Index

Production Attributes

NameUnitsDefault ValueValidation RuleDescription
Battery Station Aggregation Mode-0In (0,1,2)Automatically create Battery Station objects by aggregating Batteries
Capacity Factor Constraint Basis-0In (0,1)Basis for capacity factor constraints.
Cooling States EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If generator unit cooling states are enabled
Dispatch by Battery StationYes/No-1In (0,-1)If batteries should be aggregated through manual or automatic battery stations for dispatch.
Dispatch by Power StationYes/No-1In (0,-1)If generators in power stations should be treated in aggregate for dispatch.
DP Capacity Factor Error Threshold%20≥0Error in DP capacity factor compared to MT Schedule capacity factor below which the DP solution is accepted
DP Capacity Factor Threshold%20≥0Minimum capacity factor for generators to be dispatched by the DP
Forced Outage Relaxes Min Down TimeYes/No0In (0,-1)If ramp constraints should all be formulated upfront rather than checked iteratively.
Formulate Ramp UpfrontYes/No-1In (0,-1)If ramp constraints should all be formulated upfront rather than checked iteratively.
Formulate UpfrontYes/No-1In (0,-1)If production constraints should all be formulated upfront rather than checked iteratively.
Fuel Use Function Precision-0≥0Precision for calculation of linear approximation to fuel function.
Gas Demand Resolution-0In (0,1,2)Resolution of input gas demands
Heat Rate Detail-0In (0,1,2)Level of detail for Generator heat rate modelling
Heat Rate Error Method-2In (0,1,2,3,4)Method for handling non-convex heat rate functions.
Increment and DecrementYes/No-1In (0,-1)If simultaneous closure of increment and decrement bids/offers around a base is allowed
Integers in Look-ahead-1In (0,1,2)Controls when the look-ahead contains integers for unit commitment and other decisions.
Max Heat Rate Tranches-10Between 1 And 100Maximum number of tranches in the fuel function piecewise linear approximation
Min Heat Rate Tranche Size-0≥0Minimum tranche size in fuel function piecewise linear approximation
Power Station Aggregation Mode-0In (0,1,2)Automatically create Power Station objects by aggregating Generators
Pump and GenerateYes/No-1In (0,-1)If pumped storage/battery is allowed to pump/charge and generate/discharge simultaneously
Ramping Constraints EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If facility ramping constraints are modeled
Rounded Relaxation Commitment Model-0In (0,1)Determines if the unit commitment decisions are made centrally or by self-commitment
Rounded Relaxation End Threshold-0.75≤1End value for [Rounding Up Threshold] when Rounded Relaxation is running self-tune.
Rounded Relaxation Start Threshold-0.25≥0Start value for [Rounding Up Threshold] when Rounded Relaxation is running self-tune.
Rounded Relaxation Threshold Increment-0.05≥0.01Increment value for [Rounding Up Threshold] when Rounded Relaxation is running self-tune.
Rounded Relaxation TuningYes/No0In (0,-1)If the Rounded Relaxation method should self-tune the [Rounding Up Threshold].
Rounding Up Threshold-0.5Between 0 And 1Threshold at which non-integers are rounded up.
Run Up and Down EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If generator run up and run down are modeled
Start and Stop EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If facility start up and shut down are modeled
Start Cost Method-0In (0,1)Method for handling start costs in the mathematical formulation (integrate into the formulation, or calculate ex-post)
Transitions EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If generator transitions are modeled
Unit Commitment Heat Rate DetailYes/No-1In (0,-1)If modeling fully detailed heat rates for unit commitment. Otherwise perform a two-pass UC/ED.
Unit Commitment Optimality-0In (0,1,2,3)Unit commitment integerization scheme.
Warm Up Process EnabledYes/No-1In (0,-1)If modeling of Facility Warm Up Process is enabled