Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Aggregate Transmission | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | If transmission should be aggregated to the region level |
Capacity Excess Price | $/kW/yr | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Penalty for an excess of capacity reserves |
Capacity Expansion Group | - | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | The capacity expansion group that the region belongs to for LT decomposition. |
Capacity Price Cap | $/MWh | False | 1E+30 | False | Cap on the capacity price | |
Capacity Price Floor | $/MWh | False | -1E+30 | False | Floor on the capacity price | |
Capacity Shortage Price | $/kW/yr | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Penalty for a shortage of capacity reserves |
Constraint Payments Compatibility | - | False | 1 | In (1,2) | False | Constraint payments compatibility (match to market being modeled) |
Constraint Payments Enabled | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | Constraint payments compatibility (match to market being modelled) |
Decomposition Group | - | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | The decomposition group that the region belongs to. |
DSP Bid Price | $/MWh | True | 10000 | False | Bid price for demand-side participation | |
DSP Bid Quantity | MW | True | 0 | False | Bid quantity for demand-side participation | |
Elasticity | $/MWh2 (Metric), $/MWh/MWh (U.S. Imperial) | False | -0.2 | <0 | False | Price elasticity of demand |
Enforce Transmission Limits On Lines In Interfaces | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | If lines in interfaces should have their limits enforced regardless of voltage in this region. |
Firm Capacity Incr | MW | False | 0 | False | Firm Capacity not explicitly modeled that should be included in reserve margin calculations | |
Firm Capacity Values | MW | True | 0 | False | Firm capacity values corresponding to the Capacity Points of connected Firm Capacity Groups | |
Fixed Cost Scalar | - | False | 1 | ≥0 | False | This parameter is a percentage to represent the amount of fixed cost considered in the recovery algorithm (but PLEXOS will still report the full amount of fixed costs on each generator/line) |
Fixed Generation | MW | False | 0 | False | Fixed (or embedded) generation | |
Fixed Load | MW | False | 0 | False | Fixed load | |
Formulate Load | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | Flag if the Load is formulated as a decision variable |
Generator Settlement Model | - | False | 0 | In (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) | False | Model used to determine price paid to generators. |
Include in Kron Reduction | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | A flag indicating if the selected region should be included in the Kron-reduction algorithm |
Include in Marginal Unit | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | Flag if the region is included in the Region Marginal Unit Diagnostic |
Include in Region Supply | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | Flag if the region is included in the Region Supply Diagnostic |
Include in Uplift | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If uplift is allowed in the period |
Internal VoLL | $/MWh | True | 0 | ≥0 | False | Region specific value of lost load |
Internal VoLL Level | MWh | True | 0 | False | Level of unserved energy VoLL applies to | |
Is Strategic | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If the Region's Generators are included in Competition modelling. |
Load | MW | True | 0 | False | Load | |
Load Includes Losses | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | Flag if input load includes transmission losses |
Load Metering Point | - | False | 0 | In (0,1) | False | Metering point for input loads in the region |
Load Scalar | - | True | 1 | False | Scale factor for raw load figures (to convert as required to nodal load) | |
Load Settlement Model | - | False | 2 | In (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) | False | Model used to determine price paid by loads. |
LOLP Target | % | False | 0 | Between 0 And 100 | False | Loss of Load Probability target for this region |
Maintenance Factor | - | False | 1 | ≥0 | False | Maintenance factor |
Max Capacity Reserve Margin | % | True | 1E+30 | False | Maximum capacity reserve margin for capacity planning | |
Max Capacity Reserves | MW | True | 1E+30 | False | Maximum capacity reserves allowed | |
Max Dump Energy | MWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum dump energy |
Max Dump Energy Day | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum dump energy in day |
Max Dump Energy Factor | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy dumped |
Max Dump Energy Factor Day | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy dumped in day |
Max Dump Energy Factor Hour | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy dumped in hour |
Max Dump Energy Factor Month | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy dumped in month |
Max Dump Energy Factor Week | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy dumped in week |
Max Dump Energy Factor Year | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy dumped in year |
Max Dump Energy Hour | MW | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum dump energy in hour |
Max Dump Energy Month | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum dump energy in month |
Max Dump Energy Week | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum dump energy in week |
Max Dump Energy Year | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum dump energy in year |
Max Generation Curtailed | MWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum generation curtailed |
Max Generation Curtailed Day | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum generation curtailed in day |
Max Generation Curtailed Hour | MW | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum generation curtailed in hour |
Max Generation Curtailed Month | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum generation curtailed in month |
Max Generation Curtailed Week | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum generation curtailed in week |
Max Generation Curtailed Year | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum generation curtailed in year |
Max Generation Curtailment Factor | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of generation curtailed |
Max Generation Curtailment Factor Day | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of generation curtailed in day |
Max Generation Curtailment Factor Hour | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of generation curtailed in hour |
Max Generation Curtailment Factor Month | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of generation curtailed in month |
Max Generation Curtailment Factor Week | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of generation curtailed in week |
Max Generation Curtailment Factor Year | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of generation curtailed in year |
Max Maintenance | MW | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum generation capacity allowed to be scheduled on maintenance |
Max Unserved Energy | MWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum unserved energy |
Max Unserved Energy Day | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum unserved energy in day |
Max Unserved Energy Factor | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy unserved |
Max Unserved Energy Factor Day | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy unserved in day |
Max Unserved Energy Factor Hour | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy unserved in hour |
Max Unserved Energy Factor Month | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy unserved in month |
Max Unserved Energy Factor Week | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy unserved in week |
Max Unserved Energy Factor Year | % | False | 100 | ≥0 | False | Maximum proportion of energy unserved in year |
Max Unserved Energy Hour | MW | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum unserved energy in hour |
Max Unserved Energy Month | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum unserved energy in month |
Max Unserved Energy Week | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum unserved energy in week |
Max Unserved Energy Year | GWh | False | 1E+30 | ≥0 | False | Maximum unserved energy in year |
Min Capacity Reserve Margin | % | True | -1E+30 | False | Minimum capacity reserve margin for capacity planning | |
Min Capacity Reserves | MW | True | -1E+30 | False | Minimum capacity reserves allowed | |
Min Native Capacity Reserve Margin | % | True | -1E+30 | False | Minimum capacity reserve margin supplied only by sources in the Region | |
Min Native Capacity Reserves | MW | True | -1E+30 | False | Minimum capacity reserves supplied only by sources in the Region | |
MLF Adjusts Bid Price | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If Purchaser [Marginal Loss Factor] adjusts [Bid Price]. |
MLF Adjusts No Load Cost | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If Generator [Marginal Loss Factor] adjusts [Offer No Load Cost]. |
MLF Adjusts Offer Price | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If Generator [Marginal Loss Factor] adjusts [Offer Price]. |
MLF Adjusts Start Cost | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | If Generator [Marginal Loss Factor] adjusts [Start Cost]. |
Peak Period | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | Indicates periods that include the peak load |
Pool Type | - | False | 0 | In (0,1) | False | Gross or Net Pool for settlement of Financial Contracts in the Region. |
Price | $/MWh | False | 0 | False | Price | |
Price Cap | $/MWh | False | 1E+30 | False | Cap on generator offer prices | |
Price Floor | $/MWh | False | -1E+30 | False | Floor on generator offer prices | |
Price of Dump Energy | $/MWh | False | -1000 | False | Price of dump energy per MWh (1=hard constraint) | |
Reference Load | MW | False | 1 | False | Reference load for distributed load slack model | |
Report Marginal Resources | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | If marginal resources are reported for the region in the solution |
Report Objects in Region | - | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If objects in the Region such as Nodes, Lines, Generators, etc should be reported. |
Seasonal Reserve Constraint Active | Yes/No | True | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | Specifies when a seasonal capacity reserve is active |
Solution Detail | - | False | 1 | In (1,2,3) | False | Solution detail to be used for the region |
Transmission Clustering Level | - | False | -1 | False | Cluster nodes until this number of equivalent nodes remain (-1 means no clustering) | |
Transmission Clustering Tolerance | % | False | 100 | Between 0 and 100 | False | Cluster nodes until this level of accuracy is reached (100% means no clustering) |
Transmission Constraint Voltage Threshold | kV | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Voltage level at which thermal limits are modeled in this region. |
Transmission Constraints Enabled | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If transmission line constraints are enabled in this region. |
Transmission Interface Constraints Enabled | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If interface constraints are enabled in this region. |
Transmission Report Enabled | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If transmission reporting is enabled in this region. |
Transmission Report Injection and Load Nodes | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | If all injection and load buses (nodes) are reported on (regardless of voltage) in this region. |
Transmission Report Lines In Interfaces | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | If all flows on lines selected interfaces are reported in this region. |
Transmission Report Voltage Threshold | kV | False | 0 | ≥0 | False | Voltage level at which transmission reporting begins in this region. |
Uniform Pricing Pumped Storage Price Setting | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | If pumped storage can set the SMP |
Uniform Pricing Relax Ancillary Services | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If ancillary service requirements are relaxed in calculating SMP |
Uniform Pricing Relax Generator Constraints | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If generator non-technical constraints are relaxed in calculating SMP |
Uniform Pricing Relax Generic Constraints | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If other generic constraints are relaxed in calculating SMP |
Uniform Pricing Relax Transmission Limits | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If transmission limits are relaxed in calculating SMP |
Units | - | False | 1 | In (0,1) | True | Flag if the Region is included in the simulation. |
Unserved Energy Method | - | False | 0 | In (0,1,2,3) | False | Unserved Energy Method to be used for the region |
Uplift Alpha | - | False | 1 | False | Alpha parameter for SEM-style uplift payment (weight on total generation revenues) | |
Uplift Beta | - | False | 0 | False | Beta parameter for SEM-style uplift payment (weight on squared deviations from shadow price) | |
Uplift Compatibility | - | False | 1 | In (1,2,3) | False | Uplift calculation compatibility (match to market being modelled) |
Uplift Cost Basis | - | False | 1 | In (1,2) | False | Basis for calculating generation cost for uplift calculations (cost-based or bid-base) |
Uplift Delta | - | False | 5 | False | Delta parameter for SEM-style uplift payment (proportion of shadow total system revenues after uplift) | |
Uplift Detect Active Min Stable Level Constraints | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If the uplift calculation should exclude units running at min stable level |
Uplift Detect Active Ramp Constraints | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If the uplift calculation should exclude generators on ramp limits |
Uplift Enabled | Yes/No | False | 0 | In (0,-1) | False | If uplift is added to market prices |
Uplift Include No-Load Cost | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If the uplift calculation should include recovery of no-load costs |
Uplift Include Start Cost | Yes/No | False | -1 | In (0,-1) | False | If the uplift calculation should include recovery of start costs |
VoLL | $/MWh | False | 10000 | False | Value of lost load (VoLL) | |
Wheeling Charge | $/MWh | False | 0 | False | Wheeling charge on exports from the region | |
Wheeling Method | - | False | 1 | In (1,2) | False | Export wheeling charge method |
x | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution | |
y | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution | |
z | - | True | 0 | False | Value to pass-through to solution |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Max Production | kg (Metric), lb (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Maximum total emission production by emission producers in the region | |
Max Production Day | tonne (Metric), ton (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Maximum total emission production by emission producers in the region per day | |
Max Production Hour | kg (Metric), lb (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Maximum total emission production by emission producers in the region per hour | |
Max Production Month | tonne (Metric), ton (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Maximum total emission production by emission producers in the region per month | |
Max Production Week | tonne (Metric), ton (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Maximum total emission production by emission producers in the region per week | |
Max Production Year | tonne (Metric), ton (U.S. Imperial) | False | 0 | False | Maximum total emission production by emission producers in the region per year |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Capacity Points | MW | True | 0 | False | Capacity points used for approximating the firm capacity surface |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Balancing Area Interchange Hurdle | $/MWh | False | 0 | False | Financial hurdle rate for exports from the region | |
Firm Exports | MW | False | 0 | False | The firm exports from the parent region to the child regions for Capacity Expansion Decomposition | |
Max Balancing Area Interchange | MW | False | 1E+30 | False | Maximum financial exports | |
Max Flow | MW | False | 1E+30 | False | Maximum flow allowed between the regions | |
Wheeling Charge | $/MWh | False | 0 | False | Wheeling charge for exports to the region |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Capacity Reserves Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total capacity reserves | |
Committed Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of generation capacity committed in the region | |
Dump Energy Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of dump energy (over generation) | |
Export Capacity Built Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of export capacity built | |
Export Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of export capacity | |
Exports Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of region exports | |
Firm Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total generator [Firm Capacity] | |
Generation Capacity Built Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of generation capacity built | |
Generation Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total generation capacity | |
Generation Capacity Retired Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of generation capacity retired | |
Generation Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of region generation | |
Generation Curtailed Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of generation curtailed | |
Generator Build Cost Coefficient | $ | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total cost of generator builds | |
Generators Built Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient on binary variable indicating if any generation capacity is built to date | |
Generators Built in Year Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient on binary variable indicating if any generation capacity is built in the year | |
Import Capacity Built Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of import capacity built | |
Import Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of import capacity | |
Imports Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of region imports | |
Load Coefficient | MW | True | 0 | False | Coefficient of region load | |
Load Squared Coefficient | - | True | 0 | False | Coefficient of the square of region load | |
Net Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of load net of unserved and dump energy | |
Peak Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of annual peak load | |
Unserved Energy Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of unserved energy |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Capacity Reserves Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total capacity reserves | |
Committed Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of generation capacity committed in the region | |
Dump Energy Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of dump energy (over generation) | |
Export Capacity Built Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of export capacity built | |
Export Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of export capacity | |
Exports Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of region exports | |
Firm Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total generator [Firm Capacity] | |
Generation Capacity Built Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of generation capacity built | |
Generation Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total generation capacity | |
Generation Capacity Retired Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of generation capacity retired | |
Generation Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of region generation | |
Generation Curtailed Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of generation curtailed | |
Generator Build Cost Coefficient | $ | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of total cost of generator builds | |
Generators Built Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient on binary variable indicating if any generation capacity is built to date | |
Generators Built in Year Coefficient | - | False | 0 | False | Coefficient on binary variable indicating if any generation capacity is built in the year | |
Import Capacity Built Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of import capacity built | |
Import Capacity Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of import capacity | |
Imports Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of region imports | |
Load Coefficient | MW | True | 0 | False | Coefficient of region load | |
Load Squared Coefficient | - | True | 0 | False | Coefficient of the square of region load | |
Net Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of load net of unserved and dump energy | |
Peak Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of annual peak load | |
Unserved Energy Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of unserved energy |
Name | Units | Multi-band | Default Value | Validation Rule | Key Property | Description |
Available Capacity Reserves Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of region available capacity reserves in condition | |
Capacity Reserves Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of region capacity reserves in condition | |
Load Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of region demand in condition | |
Price Coefficient | $/MWh | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of region price in condition | |
Unserved Energy Coefficient | MW | False | 0 | False | Coefficient of unserved energy in condition |
Name | Summary Name | Property Group | Phases | Multi-band | Description |
Abatement Cost - $ | Abatement Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of emission abatement |
Annualized Build Cost - $000 | Annualized Build Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Annualized cost of generating units built |
Available Capacity - MW | Available Energy - GWh | Capacity | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Available capacity |
Available Capacity Margin - % | Available Capacity Margin - % | Capacity | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity Reserve Margin based on Available Capacity |
Available Capacity Reserves - MW | Available Capacity Reserves - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity Reserves based on Available Capacity |
Balancing Area Interchange Exports - MW | Balancing Area Interchange Exports - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Financial exports from the region. |
Balancing Area Interchange Exports Revenue - $ | Balancing Area Interchange Exports Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Revenue from financial exports from the region. |
Balancing Area Interchange Imports - MW | Balancing Area Interchange Imports - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Financial imports to the region. |
Balancing Area Interchange Imports Cost - $ | Balancing Area Interchange Imports Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of financial imports to the region. |
Battery Generation - MW | Battery Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation from batteries |
Battery Load - MW | Battery Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Charging load from batteries |
Capacity Excess - MW | Capacity Excess - MW | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Capacity excess (above Max Capacity Reserves) |
Capacity Excess Cost - $ | Capacity Excess Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Cost of capacity excess priced at [Capacity Excess Price]. |
Capacity Payments - $ | Capacity Payments - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Payments made for capacity |
Capacity Price - $/kW/yr | Capacity Price - $/kW/yr | Expansion | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Average price paid for capacity in the region |
Capacity Reserve Margin - % | Capacity Reserve Margin - % | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity reserve margin |
Capacity Reserves - MW | Capacity Reserves - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity reserves (net of Peak Load) |
Capacity Shadow Price - $/kW/yr | Capacity Shadow Price - $/kW/yr | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Shadow price of capacity |
Capacity Shortage - MW | Capacity Shortage - MW | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Capacity shortage (below Min Capacity Reserves) |
Capacity Shortage Cost - $ | Capacity Shortage Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Cost of capacity shortage priced at [Capacity Shortage Price]. |
Charging Station Deferred Load - MW | Charging Station Deferred Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from Charging Stations deferred |
Charging Station Generation - MW | Charging Station Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation from Charging Stations |
Charging Station Hours Deferred - h | Charging Station Hours Deferred - h | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Average hours Charging Station load is deferred in the period |
Charging Station Load - MW | Charging Station Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from Charging Stations |
Cleared DSP Bid Cost - $ | Cleared DSP Bid Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Value of cleared demand-side participation bids |
Cleared DSP Bid Price - $/MWh | Cleared DSP Bid Price - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Price of marginal demand-side participation bid band |
Cleared Offer Cost - $ | Cleared Offer Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Area cleared under generator offer curve |
Cleared Reserve Offer Cost - $ | Cleared Reserve Offer Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Area cleared under reserve offer curve |
Committed Capacity - MW | Committed Capacity - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity of committed units |
Congestion Charge - $/MWh | Congestion Charge - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Congestion component of regional price |
Constrained Off Cost - $ | Constrained Off Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Constrained off cost |
Constrained On Cost - $ | Constrained On Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Constrained on cost |
Contract Generation - MW | Contract Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation from physical contracts |
Contract Generation Capacity - MW | Contract Generation Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Physical contract generation capacity |
Contract Load - MW | Contract Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from physical contracts |
Contract Load Obligation - MW | Contract Load Obligation - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Physical contract load obligation |
Contract Settlement - $ | Contract Settlement - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Monies received (+ve) or paid out (-ve) on contracts |
Contract Volume - MW | Contract Volume - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Contract volume |
Cost of Curtailment - $ | Cost of Curtailment - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of demand-side participation bids cleared |
Cost of Dump Energy - $ | Cost of Dump Energy - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of dump energy |
Cost of Unserved Energy - $ | Cost of Unserved Energy - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of unserved energy. |
Cost to Load - $ | Cost to Load - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost to load of their energy purchases |
Curtailable Load - MW | Curtailable Load - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Curtailable (dispatchable) load |
Customer Load - MW | Customer Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load net of generator auxiliaries and losses |
Demand Curtailed - MW | Demand Curtailed - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Demand-side participation bids cleared |
Discrete Maintenance - MW | Discrete Maintenance - GWh | Reliability | PASA | False | Discrete maintenance (defined by Units Out) |
Dispatchable Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | On-line capacity | |
Distributed Maintenance - MW | Distributed Maintenance - GWh | Reliability | PASA | False | Maintenance notionally allocated to period |
DSP Bid Cleared - MW | DSP Bid Cleared - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Quantity cleared in demand-side participation bid band |
DSP Bid Price - $/MWh | DSP Bid Price - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Bid price for demand-side participation |
DSP Bid Quantity - MW | DSP Bid Quantity - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Bid quantity for demand-side participation |
Dump Energy - MW | Dump Energy - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Dump energy |
Dump Energy Factor - % | Dump Energy Factor - % | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Proportion of energy dumped |
Dump Energy Hours - h | Dump Energy Hours - h | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of hours of dump energy |
EDNS - MW | EDNS - MW | Reliability | LT Plan, PASA | False | Expected Demand Not Served (summary type "Average") |
EENS - MWh | EENS - MWh | Reliability | LT Plan, PASA | False | Expected energy not served (summary type "Sum") |
Emissions Cost - $ | Emissions Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost from production of emissions |
Energy Charge - $/MWh | Energy Charge - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Energy component of locational marginal price |
Export Capacity - MW | Export Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total export capacity from the Region |
Export Capacity Built - MW | Export Capacity Built - MW | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Additional export capacity from the Region due to transmission expansion. |
Export Capacity Retired - MW | Export Capacity Retired - MW | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Reduction in export capacity from the Region due to transmission retirements. |
Export Cost - $ | Export Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of exports |
Exports - MW | Exports - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Exports |
Facility Generation - MW | Facility Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation from connected Facilities |
Facility Load - MW | Facility Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from connected Facilities |
Firm Capacity Group Value - MW | Firm Capacity Group Value - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total firm capacity from the Firm Capacity Groups in the Region |
Firm Generation Capacity - MW | Firm Generation Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Region Firm Generation Capacity is based on the Firm Capacity of all the generators in the region. |
Fixed Generation - MW | Fixed Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Fixed (or embedded) generation |
Fixed Load - MW | Fixed Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Fixed load |
Flexibility Down - MW | Flexibility Down - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Amount of generation that could be unloaded |
Flexibility Up - MW | Flexibility Up - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Amount of additional generation that could be provided |
Forced Outage - MW | Forced Outage - GWh | Reliability | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity forced out |
Gas Plant Load - MW | Gas Plant Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Gas Plant electric load |
Gas Storage Load - MW | Gas Storage Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Gas Storage electric load |
Generation - MW | Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation |
Generation Capacity - MW | Generation Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total installed generation capacity |
Generation Capacity Built - MW | Generation Capacity Built - MW | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Generation capacity built |
Generation Capacity Retired - MW | Generation Capacity Retired - MW | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Generation capacity retired |
Generation Cost - $ | Generation Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total variable cost of generation |
Generation Curtailed - MW | Generation Curtailed - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Amount of non-positive-priced generation curtailed |
Generation Curtailment Factor - % | Generation Curtailment Factor - % | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Proportion of generation curtailed |
Generation Curtailment Hours - h | Generation Curtailment Hours - h | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of hours that non-positive-priced generation has been curtailed |
Generation Sent Out - MW | Generation Sent Out - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation net of auxiliaries |
Generation-weighted Price - $/MWh | Generation-weighted Price - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation-weighted average price |
Generator Auxiliary Use - MW | Generator Auxiliary Use - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from generator auxiliaries |
Generator Build Cost - $000 | Generator Build Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Cost of units built |
Generator FO&M Cost - $ | Generator FO&M Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total fixed operations and maintenance costs |
Generator Monopoly Rent - $ | Generator Monopoly Rent - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generator monopoly rent from competitive bidding |
Generator Net Pool Revenue - $ | Generator Net Pool Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generator pool revenue net of contracts and pump load cost |
Generator Net Profit - $ | Generator Net Profit - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net profit from generators in region |
Generator Net Revenue - $ | Generator Net Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generator net revenue (producer surplus) |
Generator Pool Revenue - $ | Generator Pool Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total generator pool revenue |
Generator Pump Cost - $ | Generator Pump Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of load to pump storage generators |
Generator Retirement Cost - $000 | Generator Retirement Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Cost of units retired |
Generator Start & Shutdown Cost - $ | Generator Start & Shutdown Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of generating unit starts and shutdowns |
Heat Plant Load - MW | Heat Plant Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Heat Plant electric load |
Hours at Minimum - h | Hours at Minimum - h | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of hours that generation is constrained to minimum. |
Import Capacity - MW | Import Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total import capacity from the Region |
Import Capacity Built - MW | Import Capacity Built - MW | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Additional import capacity from the Region due to transmission expansion. |
Import Capacity Retired - MW | Import Capacity Retired - MW | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Reduction in import capacity from the Region due to transmission retirements. |
Import Revenue - $ | Import Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Revenue from imports |
Imports - MW | Imports - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Imports |
Inertia - MW·s | Inertia - GW·s | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Provision of inertia |
Inflexible Generation - MW | Inflexible Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Amount of generation capacity constrained on and inflexible. |
Interregional Transmission Losses - MW | Interregional Transmission Losses - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total inter-regional losses assigned to region |
Interregional Transmission Rental - $ | Interregional Transmission Rental - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Share of interregional transmission rentals |
Intraregional Transmission Losses - MW | Intraregional Transmission Losses - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total losses on all intraregional lines |
Intraregional Transmission Rental - $ | Intraregional Transmission Rental - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total transmission rental on intraregional lines |
Levelized Cost - $/MWh | Levelized Cost - $/MWh | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Levelized cost of electricity |
Load - MW | Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load |
Load-weighted Price - $/MWh | Load-weighted Price - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load weighted average price |
LOLE - day | LOLE - day | Reliability | LT Plan, PASA | False | Number of days of outage (summary type "Sum") |
LOLP - % | LOLP - % | Reliability | LT Plan, PASA | False | Loss of load probability (summary type "Average") |
Lower Reserve - MW | Lower Reserve - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Provision of lower (spin down) reserve |
LRMC - $/MWh | LRMC - $/MWh | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Long-run marginal cost of production |
Maintenance - MW | Maintenance - GWh | Reliability | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity out on maintenance |
Maintenance Factor | Maintenance Factor | Reliability | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Maintenance factor |
Marginal Loss Charge - $/MWh | Marginal Loss Charge - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Marginal loss component of the regional price |
Max Capacity Reserve Margin - % | Max Capacity Reserve Margin - % | Capacity | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Maximum capacity reserve margin for capacity planning |
Max Capacity Reserves - MW | Max Capacity Reserves - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Maximum capacity reserves allowed |
Max Dump Energy - MW | Max Dump Energy - MW | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Maximum dump energy |
Max Generation Curtailed - MW | Max Generation Curtailed - MW | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Maximum generation curtailed |
Max Unserved Energy - MW | Max Unserved Energy - MW | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Maximum unserved energy |
Min Capacity Reserve Margin - % | Min Capacity Reserve Margin - % | Capacity | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Minimum capacity reserve margin for capacity planning |
Min Capacity Reserves - MW | Min Capacity Reserves - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Minimum capacity reserves allowed |
Min Load - MW | Min Load - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Minimum load across the current period |
Multi-area LOLE - day | Multi-area LOLE - day | Reliability | LT Plan, PASA | False | Number of days of outage including assistants from other connected regions (summary type "Sum") |
Multi-area LOLP - % | Multi-area LOLP - % | Reliability | LT Plan, PASA | False | Loss of load probability considering assistance from other connected regions |
Native Load - MW | Native Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Native load |
Net Balancing Area Interchange - MW | Net Balancing Area Interchange - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net Financial Interchange in the region (Financial Exports - Financial Imports). |
Net Balancing Area Interchange Revenue - $ | Net Balancing Area Interchange Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net Financial Revenue (Financial Export Revenue - Financial Imports Cost). |
Net Capacity Interchange - MW | Net Capacity Interchange - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Export Capability - Import Capability |
Net Contract Load - MW | Net Contract Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net of contract sales and generation |
Net Cost of Exports - $ | Net Cost of Exports - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net cost of exports |
Net Cost to Load - $ | Net Cost to Load - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost to load of their energy purchases net of contracts |
Net Generation - MW | Net Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation net of pump load |
Net Interchange - MW | Net Interchange - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Exports - Imports |
Net Market Profit - $ | Net Market Profit - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net profit from all market nodes |
Net Market Sales - MW | Net Market Sales - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net sales to external energy markets |
No Cost Generation Capacity - MW | No Cost Generation Capacity - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity available at no cost |
Non-Utility Contract Settlement - $ | Non-Utility Contract Settlement - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Non-utility generator contract settlement |
Non-Utility Monopoly Rent - $ | Non-Utility Monopoly Rent - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generator monopoly rent from competitive bidding |
Non-Utility Net Revenue - $ | Non-Utility Net Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Non-utility generator net revenue (producer surplus) |
Outage - MW | Outage - GWh | Reliability | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity lost to outage |
Peak Load - MW | Peak Load - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Peak load |
Planning Peak Load - MW | Planning Peak Load - MW | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Peak load in the current capacity optimization period (e.g. year) |
Price - $/MWh | Price - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Price |
Price-Cost Mark-up | Price-Cost Mark-up | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Price Cost Mark-up (P-C)/C |
Pump Generation - MW | Pump Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation from pumped storage |
Pump Load - MW | Pump Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load drawn by pump storage generators |
Purchaser Load - MW | Purchaser Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load from cleared purchaser bids |
Raise Reserve - MW | Raise Reserve - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Provision of raise (spin up) reserve |
Ramp Flexibility Down - MW | Ramp Flexibility Down - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Amount of unused ramp down capability |
Ramp Flexibility Up - MW | Ramp Flexibility Up - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Amount of unused ramp up capability |
Regulation Lower Reserve - MW | Regulation Lower Reserve - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Provision of regulation lower reserve |
Regulation Raise Reserve - MW | Regulation Raise Reserve - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Provision of regulation raise reserve |
Replacement Reserve - MW | Replacement Reserve - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Provision of replacement reserve |
Settlement Surplus - $ | Settlement Surplus - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Difference between cost to load and generator revenue |
Shadow Cost to Load - $ | Shadow Cost to Load - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost to load of their energy purchases based on [Shadow Price]. |
Shadow Generation - MW | Shadow Generation - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation before uplift or Competition models. |
Shadow Generation Capacity Built - MW | Shadow Generation Capacity Built - MW | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Generation capacity built before Competition models. |
Shadow Load - MW | Shadow Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Load before uplift or Competition models. |
Shadow Price - $/MWh | Shadow Price - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Price before uplift or mark-ups models. |
SRMC - $/MWh | SRMC - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Highest short-run marginal cost of running generators |
Time-weighted Price - $/MWh | Time-weighted Price - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Time weighted average price |
Total Cost - $000 | Total Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Total of fixed and variable generation costs |
Total Fixed Costs - $ | Total Fixed Costs - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total fixed costs (fixed O&M, equity, debt) |
Total Generation Cost - $ | Total Generation Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total generation cost including fuel, VO&M, start and shutdown costs and emissions costs. |
Total Generator Revenue - $ | Total Generator Revenue - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total generator revenue including capacity payments. |
Total System Cost - $ | Total System Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total system cost including fuel, VO&M, start and shutdown costs, emissions costs and ramp costs. |
Trade Export Revenue - $ | Trade Export Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Revenue from trade exports |
Trade Import Cost - $ | Trade Import Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of trade imports |
Transmission Build Cost - $000 | Transmission Build Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Cost of transmission lines built |
Transmission Control Rental - $ | Transmission Control Rental - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Rental from penalties on changes in flow control angles and DC line flows |
Transmission Losses - MW | Transmission Losses - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total transmission losses |
Transmission Rental - $ | Transmission Rental - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Total transmission rental |
Transmission Retirement Cost - $000 | Transmission Retirement Cost - $000 | Expansion | LT Plan | False | Cost of transmission lines retired |
Undispatched Capacity - MW | Capacity | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Capacity on-line but undispatched | |
Unserved Energy - MW | Unserved Energy - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Unserved energy (USE) |
Unserved Energy Factor - % | Unserved Energy Factor - % | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Proportion of energy unserved |
Unserved Energy Hours - h | Unserved Energy Hours - h | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Number of hours of unserved energy (USE) |
Uplift - $/MWh | Uplift - $/MWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Uplift to uniform price due to no load cost and start costs |
Utility Contract Settlement - $ | Utility Contract Settlement - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Utility generator contract settlement |
Utility Monopoly Rent - $ | Utility Monopoly Rent - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generator monopoly rent from competitive bidding |
Utility Net Revenue - $ | Utility Net Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Utility generator net revenue (producer surplus) |
Water Plant Load - MW | Water Plant Load - GWh | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Water Plant electric load |
Wheeling Cost - $ | Wheeling Cost - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Wheeling cost |
Wheeling Revenue - $ | Wheeling Revenue - $000 | Production | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Wheeling revenue on exports from the region |
x | x | Pass-through | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
y | y | Pass-through | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
z | z | Pass-through | LT Plan, PASA, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | True | Value to pass-through to solution |
Name | Summary Name | Property Group | Phases | Multi-band | Description |
Abatement - kg (Metric), lb (U.S. Imperial) | Abatement - tonne (Metric), ton (U.S. Imperial) | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Emissions abated |
Abatement Cost - $ | Abatement Cost - $000 | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of emission abatement |
Cost - $ | Cost - $000 | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Emission cost |
Generation - MW | Generation - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Generation associated with the emission |
Gross Production - kg (Metric), lb (U.S. Imperial) | Gross Production - tonne (Metric), ton (U.S. Imperial) | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Emissions prior to removal or abatement |
Intensity - kg/MWh (Metric), lb/MWh (U.S. Imperial) | Intensity - kg/MWh (Metric), lb/MWh (U.S. Imperial) | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Emission intensity of generation |
Production - kg (Metric), lb (U.S. Imperial) | Production - tonne (Metric), ton (U.S. Imperial) | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Emissions |
Removal - kg (Metric), lb (U.S. Imperial) | Removal - tonne (Metric), ton (U.S. Imperial) | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Emissions removed |
Removal Cost - $ | Removal Cost - $000 | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of emission removal |
Name | Summary Name | Property Group | Phases | Multi-band | Description |
Available Transfer Capability - MW | Available Transfer Capability - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Available transfer capability between the regions in the reference direction. |
Available Transfer Capability Back - MW | Available Transfer Capability Back - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Available transfer capability between the regions in the counter-reference direction. |
Balancing Area Interchange Exports - MW | Balancing Area Interchange Exports - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Financial exports from the region |
Balancing Area Interchange Exports Revenue - $ | Balancing Area Interchange Exports Revenue - $000 | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Revenue from financial exports from the region |
Balancing Area Interchange Imports - MW | Balancing Area Interchange Imports - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Financial imports to the region |
Balancing Area Interchange Imports Cost - $ | Balancing Area Interchange Imports Cost - $000 | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Cost of financial imports to the region |
Exports - MW | Exports - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Exports to region |
Imports - MW | Imports - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Imports from region |
Net Balancing Area Interchange - MW | Net Balancing Area Interchange - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net Financial Interchange (Financial Exports - Financial Imports) from parent region to child region. |
Net Balancing Area Interchange Revenue - $ | Net Balancing Area Interchange Revenue - $000 | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net Financial Revenue (Financial Export Revenue - Financial Imports Cost) |
Net Interchange - MW | Net Interchange - GWh | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Net interchange to region (exports - imports) |
Wheeling Cost - $ | Wheeling Cost - $ | - | LT Plan, MT Schedule, ST Schedule | False | Wheeling cost on exports to the region |