Main: Error and Warning Messages

Error and warning messages produced during the simulation are listed in the following table. In addition to these messages:

For help on any type of error or warning you may contact Energy Exemplar support.

List of Error and Warning Messages

NumberSeverityDefault ActionDescription
1SeriousWarnRunning in Diagnostic Mode! Execution may be slow and/or excessive disk space may be consumed.
4ModerateWarnMT Schedule New Entry Driver is enabled but Generator Max Units Built is not defined.
5SeriousWarnFailed to complete solution table indexing <value>. Check the size of the solution database (2GB maximum).
6ModerateWarnThe selected equilibrium model requires the definition of Company objects.
7SeriousWarnOptimizer returned the status: <value>
8MinorWarnRegion <name> Capacity Reserves are below Region Min Capacity Reserves by <value> MW.
9ModerateWarnTransmission SCUC Enabled selected but no Contingency objects are defined.
11SeriousWarnFailed to load data into database: <value>. Check the size of the solution database (2GB maximum for Microsoft Access database format).
18SeriousWarnConstraint <name> cannot include more than one Storage object.
19SeriousWarnConstraint <name> RHS (period type <value>) is too long for ST Schedule. This Constraint needs to be decomposed by turning on MT Schedule.
21ModerateWarnConstraint <name> RHS should be defined from the start of the planning horizon.
22MinorWarnReserve <name> has all generation below Reserve Cut-Off Size in <value> period(s).
25FatalError<value> <name> <value> From = <value> To (<value>).
29ModerateWarn<value> <name> marginal efficiency is increasing between points <value> (<value> MW, <value>) and <value> (<value> MW, <value>). Consider setting Production Heat Rate Error Method = 'Allow Non-convex'.
33ModerateWarnGenerator <name> Offer Quantity defined without Generator Offer Price. The default price of <value> is assumed.
34ModerateWarnGenerator <name> Offer Price defined without Generator Offer Quantity. Zero quantity assumed.
36ModerateWarnGenerator <name> Fixed Load will override Generator Min Load.
42SeriousWarnSolver <value>.
43ModerateWarnLine <name> Min Rating and Line Max Rating (<value>) imply <value> <= Line Flow <= <value> MW.
45SeriousErrorVariable <name> Value by <value> referenced but not defined.
46SeriousErrorRSI <name> Lines <name> does not import to/from the RSI Region.
48FatalErrorSource database name not set.
51ModerateWarnGenerator <name> Pump Units = <value>, cannot be greater than Generator Units = <value>.
52SeriousErrorPurchaser Benefit Function Shape must be set to "Quadratic" for the single-period Nash-Cournot.
55SeriousWarnLicense feature <name> is required but not available.
56FatalErrorThe license server returned the error: <value>.
58FatalWarnReferenced external text file not found: <value>.
59FatalErrorMarket <name> has memberships to more than one class of object, but a Market can only involve one type.
60SeriousErrorRegion <name> implied maximum offer price for dynamic bidding (Region VoLL or Region Price Cap) - Competition Epsilon < 0.
67SeriousErrorConstraint <name> cannot be conditional unless defining Constraint RHS of period type = "interval".
71FatalErrorOut of Memory Exception reallocating buffer to <value> kB.
72FatalErrorMOSEK encountered a fatal internal error and terminated abnormally.
73ModerateError<value> <name> initial conditions must include [<value>].
74ModerateErrorGenerator <name> fuel-specific heat rate functions <value> must all have the same form as the general heat rate.
75ModerateErrorGenerator <name> fuel-specific heat rate functions <value> must all have the same form.
78SeriousErrorGenerator <name> Heat Rate band count does not match Generator Load Point band count.
79SeriousErrorGenerator <name> Heat Rate Incr band count does not match Generator Load Point band count.
80SeriousErrorGenerator <name> does not define enough bands of Generator Offer Quantity for cumulative format (at least two required).
81SeriousErrorGenerator <name> Start Cost Time must have same number of bands as Generator Start Cost and Generator Start Fuels Offtake at Start if defined.
82SeriousErrorGenerator <name> number of bands for Generator Rough Running Point must match that of Generator Rough Running Range.
84SeriousErrorGenerator <name> sum of Generator Fuels Ratio must be unity.
85SeriousWarn<value> <name> minimum operating level (<value>) should be less than or equal to maximum operating level (<value>).
87SeriousErrorErrors were detected in the efficiency function for <value> <name>. Consider changing Production Heat Rate Error Method.
88FatalErrorOut of Memory Exception reallocating cache to <value> kB.
91SeriousErrorLine <name> defined with both Line Reactance and Line Susceptance but only one should be used.
93SeriousErrorMarket <name> should define equal numbers of bands for Market Price and Market Quantity points.
95SeriousErrorSolution status = <value>.
96SeriousErrorMLF <name> right-hand side term must be non-negative.
100SeriousErrorFlow Control <name> Units property cannot be dynamic in for Transmission OPF Method = "Large Scale".
105SeriousErrorStorage <name> Energy Value defined without Storage Downstream Efficiency.
108SeriousErrorVariable <name> Profile property defined with <value> band(s) but expected ≥ <value> when using Variable Sampling Method = "Bands As Samples".
109SeriousErrorVariable <name> Min Value must be less than or equal to Variable Max Value.
110ModerateWarn<value> <name> initial production level (<value>) is outside the feasible operating range (<value> - <value>).
111ModerateWarn<value> <name> initial units operating (<value>) is greater than the number of installed units (<value>).
117SeriousErrorMarket <name> Quantity values must be monotonically non-decreasing.
118SeriousErrorMarket <name> band count for Generator Heat Markets Conversion Rate (for <name> = <value>) should equal Generator Load Point band count (<value>).
119SeriousErrorGenerator <name> band count for Generator Emissions [Production Rate] (for <name> = <value>) should equal Generator Load Point band count (<value>).
123SeriousErrorConstraint <name> Decomposition Method = "Price" cannot be used in combination with a Constraint Penalty Price.
124SeriousWarnMIP license is required, but no license is available for checkout-the linear relaxation will be reported.
125FatalErrorCould not interpret the Condition <name>.
126FatalErrorGenerator <name> cannot receive Generator Heat Input from itself.
127FatalErrorCondition <name> cannot be conditional on itself (a member of its own Conditions collection).
128FatalErrorCondition <name> conditional on Condition <name> which is itself conditional.
129FatalErrorCondition <name> must not define Condition [Is Active] or a dynamic equation if it is dependent on other conditions.
130ModerateWarnStochastic Risk Sample Count = <value> but no Variable objects are defined.
133ModerateWarnGenerator <name> Units Out > Generator Units in <value> periods.
134ModerateWarnLine <name> Units Out > Line Units in <value> periods.
135SeriousWarnPASA must be enabled in order to use the MT Schedule capacity expansion algorithm.
137ModerateWarn<value> <name> injects at <value> nodes but does not define <value> Nodes [<value>] for Node <name>.
138ModerateWarnPurchaser <name> offtakes at <value> nodes but does not define Purchaser Nodes Load Participation Factor for Node <name>.
141FatalErrorThe chronological Horizon including look-ahead must be a subset of the planning horizon.
142SeriousErrorRegion <name> DSP Bid Quantity band count (<value>) must be the same as Region DSP Bid Price band count (<value>).
144SeriousErrorConstraint <name> can define Constraint Generators [Generation Squared Coefficient] (for <name>) only if it is a dynamic constraint.
145SeriousErrorConstraint <name> can define Constraint Generators [Generation SUM Squared Coefficient] (for <name>) only if it is a dynamic constraint.
146FatalErrorRegion <name> defines a Region Reference Node <name> that is not inside the Region.
147FatalErrorRegion <name> defines a Region Reference Node <name> that is out-of-service.
148SeriousErrorReserve <name> Nested Reserve <name> is of a different Reserve Type, but must be the same type.
149SeriousErrorReserve <name> Nested Reserve <name> must use a subset of the generators in the master reserve class.
150SeriousErrorGenerator <name> cannot provide more response to Reserve <name> than Reserve <name> because the service is nested.
151SeriousErrorReserve <name> has Nested Reserve <name> but is itself nested in Reserve <name>.
152SeriousErrorReserve <name> Is Enabled property can only be changed by Scenario.
153SeriousErrorGenerator <value> [Start Profile] must have same number of bands as Generator Start Cost.
154SeriousErrorGenerator <value> [Run Up Rate] must have same number of bands as Generator Start Cost.
155FatalErrorThe Horizon (<value> years) could not be factored by the given LT Plan At a Time (<value>) and LT Plan Overlap (<value>).
156SeriousErrorConstraint <name> defines Constraint RHS (period type = <value>) but uses coefficients that support Constraint RHS Year only.
157SeriousWarnNode <name> shift factors could not be computed due to an infeasibility in the Y-bus matrix.
158ModerateErrorConstraint <name> Lines <name> cannot define both Constraint Lines [Export Capacity Built Coefficient] together with Constraint Lines [Import Capacity Built Coefficient].
159ModerateErrorConstraint <name> Lines <name> cannot define both Constraint Lines [Units Built Coefficient] together with Constraint Lines [Units Built in Year Coefficient].
160ModerateErrorConstraint <name> Lines <name> cannot define both Constraint Lines [Units Retired Coefficient] together with Constraint Lines [Units Retired in Year Coefficient].
161ModerateErrorConstraint <name> Generators <name> cannot define both Constraint Generators [Units Built Coefficient] together with Constraint Generators [Units Built in Year Coefficient].
162ModerateErrorConstraint <name> Generators <name> cannot define both Constraint Generators [Units Retired Coefficient] together with Constraint Generators [Units Retired in Year Coefficient].
163SeriousErrorFailed to fit polynomial to (x,y) coordinates of heat rate function for Generator <name>. <name>.
164ModerateWarnNon-physical losses detected on Line <name> in period (<value>). Flow <value>, Loss <value>. Consider changing Transmission Detect Non-physical Losses setting.
166ModerateWarn<value> <name> only has <value> of <value> units that define [<value>].
167ModerateWarnGenerator <name> outages were not written to text files because text input does not support multi-unit stations with partial outages.
168ModerateWarnNon-physical losses detected on Line <name> in period (<value>). Flow <value>, Loss <value>. Correction algorithm invoked.
169SeriousWarnThe master solution database is missing. Looked for <value>. Database output has been disabled.
170SeriousWarn<value> <name> band (<value>) defines outage parameters but no outage duration function definition.
171ModerateWarnNode <name> Phase Angle is at an upper or lower bound in period <value>.
173ModerateWarnConstraint <name> Lines <name> has Constraint Lines [Flow Coefficient] and <value> defined. This coefficient will be ignored.
174ModerateWarnConstraint <name> Generators <name> has Constraint Generators [Reserve Provision Coefficient], but has no reserve memberships defined. This coefficient will be ignored.
177SeriousWarnThe input data diagnostic file <name> could not be written.
182SeriousErrorInterface <name> limits imply Interface Min Flow <value> <= Interface Flow <= Interface Max Flow <value>.
183ModerateWarnNode <name> Unserved Energy in period <value> is above limit <value> MW by <value> MW due to a constraint infeasibility.
184FatalErrorRegion <name> must have at least one Node in service.
185FatalErrorGenerator <name> Start Profile has been defined as a constant value. Use the Timeslice field to define its start-up stages or use Generator Run Up Rate for a constant rate.
186SeriousErrorGenerator <name> Unit Commitment Optimality = "Rounded Relaxation" is not compatible with Production Unit Commitment Optimality.
187FatalErrorMT Schedule Stochastic Method and LT Plan Stochastic Method must both be set to "Deterministic" if either setting is "Deterministic".
188FatalErrorST Schedule Stochastic Method and LT Plan Stochastic Method must both be set to "Deterministic" if either setting is "Deterministic".
189SeriousErrorFailed to solve uplift. The solver returned solution status <value>.
190ModerateWarnUplift was infeasible but successfully repaired. SMP may be outside the range defined by Region Price Floor and Region Price Cap.
193SeriousWarnNetwork separation is detected with Contingency <name>.
194SeriousError<value> <name> [Mark-up Point] defined with <value> bands but <value> [Mark-up] is defined with <value> bands.
195SeriousError<value> <name> [Mark-up Point] defined with <value> bands but <value> [Bid Cost Mark-up] is defined with <value> bands.
196SeriousErrorGenerator <name> defines up to <value> Generator Units and is a Reserve Contingency Generators for <value> Reserve objects but this membership is allowed only for single-unit Generator objects. For multi-unit use separate Generator objects.
197ModerateWarnRegion/Zone <name> Maintenance Factor in step <value> accumulates to <value> but would normally sum to <value> which is the total number of hours in the step.
198ModerateWarnNode <name> Dump Energy in period <value> is above limit <value> MW by <value> MW due to a constraint infeasibility.
199ModerateWarnMulti-fuel CHP Generator <name> requires identical heat rate functions. Average heat rate at maximum power across defined fuels will be considered for heat production formulation.
200SeriousErrorFailed to correct non-physical flows. The solver returned solution status <value>.
201ModerateWarnNon-physical flow correction was infeasible but successfully repaired.
202ModerateWarnConstraint <name> skipped because its period type is too short for the resolution of <value>.
203ModerateWarnThe Escalator [Compound Start Date] is later than the end of the horizon. The default date will be used ( <value> ).
204ModerateWarnThe Escalator [Compound Start Date] is <value> years outside of the current horizon.
205SeriousWarnGenerator <name> defined Generator Head Storage Efficiency Point (for <name>) band=<value> value=<value> must be less than or equal to band=<value> value=<value>.
206FatalErrorVariable <name> definition as a function of other Variable objects implies a circular reference.
207SeriousErrorRead <value> sample weights but expected <value>.
208SeriousWarnLine <name> flow limits must be defined when using Transmission Loss Method = "Piecewise Linear". Loss is turned off for this line.
209SeriousError<value> <name> [<value>] definition is ambiguous. The datum is defined both with the Escalator <name> and without.
210ModerateWarnProblem is infeasible. Solution status = <value>.
211FatalErrorFailed to repair an infeasible problem. Solution status = <value>.
212SeriousWarnFailed to set user-defined solver parameter <value>.
213ModerateIgnoreError reporting formulation diagnostics. <value>
214SeriousWarnNo integer feasible solution exists. The linear solution will be reported. Solution status = <value>.
215SeriousWarnGenerator <name> Fuel Offtake may be inaccurate in <value> periods due to tranche variables clearing out of order. Consider setting Generator Formulate Non-convex="Always".
216SeriousWarnGenerator <name> Unit Commitment Optimality = "Rounded Relaxation" might violate [Min Up Time]/[Min Down Time] because Constraint Generators [Units Generating Coefficient] is defined.
217SeriousWarnGenerator <name> defines [Commit] property which is incompatible with [Unit Commitment Optimality] = "Dynamic Program". The Generator will use the global commitment setting.
218FatalErrorThe <name> Region is missing its Reference Node membership, which is compulsory when using the [Aggregate Transmission] option.
219SeriousError<value> LOLP Target<value> might not be guaranteed in <value> of <value> periods.
220MinorWarnSolution hierarchy computed <value> solution(s). No more feasible solutions exist.
221SeriousWarnThere was an error writing the solution to the destination drive. The solution has been saved in the following location: <value>
222SeriousWarnThere was a problem writing the zipped solution to the destination drive. The uncompressed solution has been saved in the following location: <value>
223SeriousWarnMatrix coefficients are badly scaled. Range is [<value>, <value>].This may result in numerical instability and degraded performance.
224SeriousWarnVariable objective function coefficients are badly scaled. Range is [<value>, <value>].This may result in numerical instability and degraded performance.
225SeriousWarnVariable bounds are badly scaled. Range is [<value>, <value>].This may result in numerical instability and degraded performance.
226SeriousWarnConstraint right-hand side coefficients are badly scaled. Range is [<value>, <value>].This may result in numerical instability and degraded performance.
300SeriousWarnInvalid token <name> in RHS expression for Row <name>
301FatalErrorError processing RPN expression for Row <name>. <value> element(s) required in the stack to use the <value> operator
302SeriousWarnExpected no more than <value> element(s) to remain in the RPN stack, but found <value> after evaluating the expression for Row <name>
3003FatalWarn<value> but this collection must have exactly <value> member(s).
3004FatalWarn<value> but this collection must have at least <value> member(s).
3005FatalWarn<value> but this collection cannot have more than <value> member(s).
3006FatalWarnPower Station <name> conflicts with a Generator of the same name.
3007MinorWarnSkipped checking for missing files.
3008FatalWarnFile not found: <value>
3009MinorWarnSkipped checking of memberships.
3013FatalWarn<value> objects are missing their system membership.
3014MinorWarnSkipped checking of data against validation rules.
3015FatalWarn<value> [<value>] band = <value> is defined multiple times with value <value>.
3017FatalWarn<value> [<value>] defined with value <value> but must be <value>.
3018FatalWarn<value> [<value>] defined with value <value> and [Date From] = <value> after [Date To] = <value>.
3019FatalWarn<value> [<value>] defined with multiple bands but this property cannot be multi-band.
3020FatalWarnThe input property [<value>] has been associated with the [<value>] collection, but this belongs to the [<value>] collection. Please use the [Check Database] option in the user interface before re-execution.
3021ModerateWarn<value>.<value> with parent <name> and child <name> Filename: <name> used to define <value> properties for the same object, but must only be used to define one property for any one object.
3022ModerateWarn<value>.<value> with parent <name> and child <name> band <value> uses Data File field in combination with Escalator and/or Condition and/or Variable and this is not supported.
3026ModerateWarnRead <value> records(s) for object <name> in band <value>, but expected <value>. Default value of <value> assumed. File: <name>.
3027ModerateWarnProfile <value> contains <value> zero values.
3028ModerateWarnYear ending: <value> skipped because the horizon does not completely span this year.
3030ModerateWarnData File Shape Distortion increased to: <value>.
3031ModerateWarnData File Energy mismatch (under target) by <value> = <value>".
3032ModerateWarnData File Energy mismatch (over target) by <value> = <value>.
3033SeriousWarnFile <name> periods per day in file <name> must be a multiple of Horizon Periods per Day <name>.
3034FatalErrorMOSEK encountered a fatal internal error and terminated abnormally.
3035FatalErrorThe look-ahead in the chronological phase cannot have a higher resolution than the main horizon.
3037SeriousErrorNo delimiters found in header row of file <value>.
3038SeriousErrorData for <name> not found in file <name> (assumed "Names in Columns" format).
3039FatalErrorNo header row found, or unable to recognise fields in the header. File <name>.
3040SeriousErrorValue <name> for object <name> at line <value> in file <name> must be >= <value>
3041SeriousErrorValue <name> for object <name> at line <value> in file <name> must be <= <value>
3042SeriousErrorViewing of Patterned file data is not currently supported prior to Model compilation.
3043ModerateWarnRead <value> records(s) for object <name> in band <value>, but expected <value>. File: <name>.
3044FatalErrorError interpreting the header row of <value> <name>.
3045FatalErrorError reading line <value> of <value> <name>.
3046FatalErrorOut of Memory Exception reading file: <value>. Tried to allocate <value> kB.
3047FatalErrorError interpreting the header row of <value>.
3048FatalErrorGeneral error reading line <value> of <value>. Periods per day = <value>.
3049FatalErrorEEI File <name> has record length <value>, expected 80 or 82.
3050FatalErrorDuplicate AM records for <value>.
3051FatalErrorDuplicate PM records for <value>.
3052FatalError<value> contained only <value> lines of data, expected <value>. <value> Check that the file is complete and that the Horizon Periods per Day is correct.
3053FatalError<value>Specified Data File Base Profile <name> not found.
3054FatalError<value>Invalid fiscal year range: <value>-<value>.
3055FatalErrorError in Data File Holiday. Expected <value> dates per holiday but got <value>.
3056FatalErrorSource profile contained too few records. <value>.
3057FatalErrorError interpreting Holiday on band <value>. Could not locate base profile holiday start date.
3058FatalErrorError interpreting Holiday on band <value>. Could not locate holiday start date in year <value>.
3059FatalError<value>Could not propagate profile year to period <value>.
3060SeriousErrorSolution status:= <value>.
3061FatalErrorCannot create the profile using the specified parameters. The problem is infeasible. Adjust the parameters and try again.
3063FatalErrorDatabase version number <name> does not match engine version number <name>.
3064FatalError<value> validation errors were detected. Please correct these errors before running the simulation.
3065FatalErrorSelected Model and/or Project objects are not configured with a Horizon object.
3068SeriousErrorCapacity Factor constraints cannot be defined with period type of interval.
3071SeriousErrorPower Station <name> attempts to aggregate [ <value> ] with <value> bands on [ <value> (<name>).<value> (<name>) ] but <value> on the first member.
3072FatalErrorST Schedule must begin inside the planning Horizon.
3073FatalErrorST Schedule must run inside the planning Horizon.
3074FatalErrorHorizon Typical Week does not support running '<value>' steps.
3075FatalErrorFor Horizon Typical Week mode ST Schedule must span one week, e.g. 1 step of 1 week, 7 steps of 1 day, 168 steps of 1 hour, etc.
3076FatalErrorHorizon contained no months with specified typical week index.
3077FatalErrorInvalid Horizon Chrono Period From option: <value>. Expected an index between 1 and <value>.
3078FatalErrorInvalid Horizon Chrono Period To option: <value>. Expected an index between 1 and <value>.
3079FatalErrorInvalid date range <value> to <value>.
3080SeriousWarnThe step settings for this phase cover <value> intervals out of <value> in the horizon. No results will be calculated for the last <value> intervals.
3082FatalErrorInternal Error: ParsePattern() expected result array of rank 1.
3084SeriousErrorEmpty statement found in Timeslice <name>.
3085SeriousErrorTimeslice <name> statement contains no identifier.
3086SeriousErrorInvalid month range in Timeslice <name>.
3087SeriousErrorInvalid day of month range in Timeslice <name>.
3088SeriousErrorInvalid day of week range in Timeslice <name>.
3089SeriousErrorInvalid hour range in Timeslice <name>.
3090SeriousErrorInvalid period range in Timeslice <name>.
3091SeriousErrorCould not parse Timeslice statement <name>.
3092SeriousErrorUnknown identifier <name> in Timeslice statement <name>.
3093SeriousErrorCould not interpret the statement <name> in the Timeslice <name>.
3094FatalErrorCould not open: <value> It may be in use by another process.
3095SeriousErrorFile <name> contains no data.
3096SeriousErrorInvalid data found at line <value> of file <value>.
3097SeriousWarnCannot aggregate <value> for <value> <name> with child <name>, because only <value> of the <value> components have that type of membership.
3098SeriousWarnCannot aggregate <value> for <value> <name> with parent <name>, because only <value> of the <value> components are included in that type of membership.
3103FatalErrorThe property <value> <value> [<value>] has the Condition <name> defined that does not exist.
3104FatalWarnThe Region <name> defines Region Reference Node of <name> but this is located in Region <name>.
3105FatalErrorEscalator <name> cannot define Escalator [Index] together with Escalator [Compound Index].
3106SeriousWarnData File line <value> contains <value> band(s) of data for object <name> but expected <value> bands. File <name>.
3107FatalErrorEscalator <name> cannot define Escalator [Compound Index] for both period types <name> and <name>.
3108FatalWarnReport <name> <value> [<value>] cannot be reported by period.
3109FatalWarnReport <name> <value> [<value>] cannot be reported in summary.
3110FatalWarnReport <name> <value> [<value>] is not reported in <value> simulation phase.
3111FatalErrorThe look-ahead in the chronological phase (<value> periods per day) must divide the planning horizon resolution (<value> periods per day).
3112FatalErrorDATETIME field cannot be combined with YEAR, MONTH, DAY, or PERIOD. File <name>.
3113FatalErrorData File line <value> defines invalid date YEAR=<value>, MONTH=<value>, DAY=<value>. Conversion error message =<name>. File <name>.
3114FatalError<value> [Blocks] = <value> cannot be greater than the number of intervals in a <value> = <value>.
3115FatalErrorGenerator <name> has memberships to more than one enabled Power Station objects.
3116SeriousErrorData File line <value> defines an invalid date ( <value> ) with <value> culture settings. File <name>.
3117SeriousErrorFailed to interpret the Timeslice <name> which appears to have invalid meta-patterns related to Timeslice <name>.
3118SeriousErrorGenerator <name> was not located in the <value> model <name>.
3119SeriousErrorThe interleaved property <value>.[<value>] is invalid.
3121SeriousWarnThe Model Random Number Seed property has not been set. The number <value> will be used. Variable samples and outage patterns in this simulation will repeat only if this same seed is set.
3122SeriousWarnTimeslice <name> is used but does not include any time periods. You should define the Timeslice Include property.
3123SeriousErrorUnable to run the interleave process due to invalid settings. Server stochastic mode [<value>] with <value> sample(s) is not consistent with the client stochastic mode [<value>] with <value> sample(s).
3124SeriousWarnThe marginal unit diagnostic has skipped Region <name> because the reference node <name> is not a load node.
3128FatalErrorCannot fit <value> periods per <value> while pinning the selected number points. Either increase the number of periods or remove the point pinning.
3129FatalErrorGenerator <name> band count for Generator Fuels Heat Rate (for <name> = <value>) should equal Generator Load Point band count (<value>).
3130FatalErrorDecision Variable <name> Objective Function Coefficient period type <name> is not consistent with Definition <name>.
3131SeriousWarnDecision Variable <name> Objective Function Coefficient period type <value> is too long for ST Schedule.
3132SeriousWarnThe specified output path and file name are too long. The solution will be written to the following temporary location: <value>
3133SeriousWarnOpenPLEXOS <value>.
3134SeriousErrorConflict detected on Decision Variable <value> bounds, lower bound = <value>, upper bound = <value>, type = <value>
3135SeriousWarnBranch <name> NodeFrom and NodeTo are both defined as <name>. It is dropped from simulation.
3136FatalErrorCannot connect Storage objects to Water Node objects when using "Energy" Hydro Model setting.
3137SeriousWarnFile <name> contains <value> repeated values.
3138FatalErrorLine <name> has [Max Flow] lower than [Min Flow]; [Max Flow] = <name> < [Min Flow] = <name>.
3139SeriousWarnProperty <value> is dropped because the interval length is set to <value>.
3140SeriousErrorCould not interpret the statement <name> in the Timeslice <value>.
3141SeriousWarnMT Schedule will run in one step for the Hanging Branches Rolling Horizon solution method.
3142MinorWarnSkipped validation of the report selections.
3143FatalErrorHorizon Typical Week mismatch to the start of the planning horizon.
3144SeriousWarnConstraint <name> Gas Fields <name> defines [End Volume Coefficient] and <value>. The latter coefficient will be ignored.
3145FatalErrorUnable to formulate constraints for Base Gas Contract <name>. ST schedule must span 365 days if no LT plan or MT schedule is enabled.
3146SeriousWarnUnable to formulate constraints for Base Gas Contract <name> for <value> phase. Contract will be treated as Swing contract for the current phase.
3147SeriousWarnGas Contract <name> has memberships with multiple classes. Gas Node memberships will be ignored.
3148SeriousWarnGenerator <name> cannot define a transition with itself. This transition membership has been removed.
3149SeriousWarnGas Pipelines mapped to Gas Capacity Release Offer <name> do not form a path.
3150SeriousWarnUnable to formulate constraints for Base Gas Capacity Release Offer <name> for <value> phase. Release type will be treated as swing for the current phase.
3151SeriousWarnGas Capacity Release Offer <name> has memberships with multiple classes. Gas pipelines memberships will be used and other memberships will be ignored.
3152SeriousWarnGas Capacity Release Offer <name> has no memberships assigned to it.
3153SeriousWarnMaximum daily take for gas contract <name> is less than percentage of demand from all demand in this gas contract.
3154SeriousWarnInternal VoLL for region <name> must increase with increasing internal VoLL level.
3155SeriousWarnScenario Tree: Globals [Hanging Branches Historical Year Start] is not defined. Hanging Branches Sample Reduction will be run automatically.
3156FatalErrorScenario Tree: Number of Hanging Branches <value> should be less than the number of historical years <value>.
3157FatalErrorScenario Tree: Globals [Hanging Branches Historical Year Start] data are invalid, please try using [Hanging Branches Sample Reduction].
3159SeriousWarnGas Storage has memberships with multiple gas nodes that each gas node has weather station connected. Only first weather station (connected to first gas node) will be used.
3160SeriousWarnGas Contract has memberships with multiple gas nodes that each gas node has weather station connected. Only first weather station (connected to first gas node) will be used.
3161FatalWarnThe Generator Outage Rating for <name> is larger than or equal to its rated capacity in certain periods. Generator Units Out will not be applied to those periods.
3162ModerateWarn<value> <name> doesn't define property <value>. The preschedule for the object will be ignored.
3163FatalWarnLT Plan specified [Allow Capacity Sharing] but none of the Regions or Zones have capacity reserve inputs. Capacity will not be shared except as specified in Line Firm Capacity.
3164FatalWarnConstraint <name> RHS Hour is longer than the interval length of <value> hours. The Constraint will be excluded. Try using RHS instead.
3165FatalErrorVariable '<value>' is configured for <value> sampling. The sampling method needs to be set to '<value>'.
3200FatalErrorCould not interpret Variable <name> ML model schema column <name>. Expected Collection_Name_Property.
3201FatalErrorCould not interpret the class name <name> in the Variable <name> ML model schema column name <name>
3202FatalErrorCould not interpret the <name> object name <name> in Variable <name> ML model schema column name <name>
3203FatalErrorCould not interpret the property name <name> in Variable <name> ML model schema column name <name>
3204SeriousWarnThe region <value> cannot belong to two or more decomposition groups.
3205FatalErrorError during the decomposition simulations. Unable to create final solution file.
3206SeriousWarnGeographical decomposition feature has been disabled. <value>
3207SeriousWarnExpansion file '<value>' does not exist.
3208SeriousErrorGas Storage <name> Injection Charge band count (<value>) must be the same as Gas Storage Injection Withdrawal Charge Level band count (<value>).
3209SeriousErrorGas Storage <name> Withdrawal Charge band count (<value>) must be the same as Gas Storage Injection Withdrawal Charge Level band count (<value>).
3210SeriousErrorGas Storage <name> Dispatch Injection Charge band count (<value>) must be the same as Gas Storage Injection Withdrawal Charge Level band count (<value>).
3211SeriousErrorGas Storage <name> Dispatch Withdrawal Charge band count (<value>) must be the same as Gas Storage Injection Withdrawal Charge Level band count (<value>).
3212SeriousErrorGas Storage <name> sum of [Injection Withdrawal Charge Level] bands is <name>% but must sum to 100%.
3213SeriousWarnThe value could not be calculated because <name> >= <name>.
3214SeriousWarnThe factorial for <name> could not be calculated.
3215SeriousWarnThe total share of a vehicle at any particular interval can not be more than 1. The share is redistributed accordingly, so that the total share is equal to 1.
3216ModerateWarnInput time series for variable <name> is not stationary, PARMA fitting for it might not be accurate!
3219FatalErrorThe header column <value> in file <name> is not a valid column type.
3220FatalErrorLicense unavailable for the following classes: <value>.
3221SeriousWarnInterleave configuration is ambiguous after generic object compilation. Collection IDs <value> each report <name>.
3222SeriousWarnMax Ramp <value> for <value> is not available in Sampled Chronology.
3223ModerateWarnThe total Gas Demand.Gas Node Demand Participation Factor does not sum to 1.0. Gas Demand: <value>, sum of Demand Participation Factor: <value>.
3224SeriousWarnScenario Tree: Globals Hanging Branches tree settings are ignored in the following cases: 1) LT/MT phase is not running Stochastic mode, or 2) the horizon is too short for running a multi-stage optimization, or 3) sample reduction is required for the stochastic object.
3226SeriousWarnScenario Tree: Globals [Full Branches Sample Reduction] is disabled. Number of Full and Hanging Branches <value> needs to be less than the number of historical years <value>.
3227ModerateWarnThere is a mismatch between the number of offer quantity bands (<value>) and the number of bid-cost mark-up bands (<value>) for <value>.
3228SeriousWarnConstraint <name> is too long for ST Schedule. This constraint will be prorated each step.
3229FatalErrorCircular Heat Input memberships detected for the following Generators: <value>, <value>.
3230SeriousWarnConstraint <value> defines [<value>] for Vehicle <value>. Vehicle Max Discharge Rate is zero or does not formulate storage (simple model). Coefficient will be ignored.
3231SeriousWarnMarket <name> interacts with multiple classes (<value>). Ensure sales in this market correspond to one physical quantity (electricity, reserve capacity, water etc.).
3232FatalWarnDisabling Transmission Aggregation because Kron-reduction has been enabled.
3233SeriousWarnGlobal Sampling File has been entered, but file <value> cannot be found. Sample reduction will be performed automatically.
3234FatalErrorInvalid inputs for sampled chronology. Sampling interval type, sample type or reduced sample count of the <value> object should match that in the sampling file <value>.
3235SeriousErrorProperty cannot be interleaved: <value>. All Constraints group properties are compiled to constraint objects before execution.
3236SeriousWarnLine <name> is assumed out-of-service because it is an unconstrained DC link.
3237SeriousWarnConstraint <name> cannot have more than one negative Decision Variable Value Squared Coefficient defined.
3238SeriousWarnConstraint <name> Decision Variable <name> Value Squared Coefficient should not be positive when a negative value is defined.
3239SeriousWarnConstraint <name> Decision Variable <name> Lower Bound should not be negative when its [Value Squared Coefficient] defined as a negative value.
3240SeriousWarnConstraint <name> Sense should be "<=" when Decision Variable Value Squared Coefficient is defined.
3241SeriousWarnConstraint <name> LHS Type should be "SUM" when Decision Variable Value Squared Coefficient is defined.
3242SeriousWarnConstraint <name> RHS should be zero when a negative Decision Variable Value Squared Coefficient is defined.
3243SeriousWarnConstraint <name> should not define a negative Decision Variable Value Squared Coefficient when other linear terms are defined.
3244SeriousWarnBoth the Rating Factor and Max Capacity have values that vary over time for unit <name>. This may cause the sampled available energy to not match expected results when percentage inputs are set to be scaled.
3245SeriousWarnCharging Station <name> defines [Deferrable Load] but no simple [Fixed Load] Vehicles are connected.
3246FatalErrorInstalled capacity exceeds expansion capacity for expansion candidate <value> <name>.
3247SeriousWarnLarge number of potential operating units for Generator <name> which models unit-by-unit commitment. High memory usage for the optimization may result.
3248FatalErrorScenario Tree: Stochastic Stages Period Type = <name> is not implemented for Hanging Branch trees.
3249ModerateWarnFinancial coefficient [<value>] defined in non-price prescribed context and will be ignored. Constraint <name>, object <name>.
3250SeriousErrorReliability <value> risk metric has decreased after Generator removal, no EFC convergence possible. Consider increasing VoLL or decreasing MIP gap.
3251SeriousErrorConstraint <value> has a period type <value> that is inconsistent with expansion period type <value>.
3252SeriousErrorVariable <value> is being referenced from its Variables - <value> - expression creating a circular reference error.
3253FatalErrorMinimum retirement capacity exceeds capacity available for retirement for <value> <name>.
3254ModerateWarnUnable to locate the Variable <name>.
3255SeriousWarnSolver ran out of memory during optimize, repair or load of task <value>.
3256SeriousWarnNodes* memberships detected with non-Nodal Transmission Detail. Phase: <value>.
3257FatalErrorIncorrect use of Planning Horizon Lookahead Count detected. The attribute is intended for use with the MT Schedule Stochastic Methods Rolling Horizon or SDDP.
3258ModerateWarnExpansion optimality for <value> is Linear. Constraint <value> is dropped because integer builds are required for [Built Coefficient].
3259ModerateWarnThe required number of LDC blocks cannot be created with the input Global slicing block settings.
3260SeriousWarnObject <name> defines [<value>] without [<value>].