Error and warning messages produced during the simulation are listed in the following table. In addition to these messages:
For help on any type of error or warning you may contact Energy Exemplar support.
Number | Severity | Default Action | Description |
1 | Serious | Warn | Running in Diagnostic Mode! Execution may be slow and/or excessive disk space may be consumed. |
4 | Moderate | Warn | MT Schedule New Entry Driver is enabled but Generator Max Units Built is not defined. |
5 | Serious | Warn | Failed to complete solution table indexing <value>. Check the size of the solution database (2GB maximum). |
6 | Moderate | Warn | The selected equilibrium model requires the definition of Company objects. |
7 | Serious | Warn | Optimizer returned the status: <value> |
8 | Minor | Warn | Region <name> Capacity Reserves are below Region Min Capacity Reserves by <value> MW. |
9 | Moderate | Warn | Transmission SCUC Enabled selected but no Contingency objects are defined. |
11 | Serious | Warn | Failed to load data into database: <value>. Check the size of the solution database (2GB maximum for Microsoft Access database format). |
18 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> cannot include more than one Storage object. |
19 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> RHS (period type <value>) is too long for ST Schedule. This Constraint needs to be decomposed by turning on MT Schedule. |
21 | Moderate | Warn | Constraint <name> RHS should be defined from the start of the planning horizon. |
22 | Minor | Warn | Reserve <name> has all generation below Reserve Cut-Off Size in <value> period(s). |
25 | Fatal | Error | <value> <name> <value> From = <value> To (<value>). |
29 | Moderate | Warn | <value> <name> marginal efficiency is increasing between points <value> (<value> MW, <value>) and <value> (<value> MW, <value>). Consider setting Production Heat Rate Error Method = 'Allow Non-convex'. |
33 | Moderate | Warn | Generator <name> Offer Quantity defined without Generator Offer Price. The default price of <value> is assumed. |
34 | Moderate | Warn | Generator <name> Offer Price defined without Generator Offer Quantity. Zero quantity assumed. |
36 | Moderate | Warn | Generator <name> Fixed Load will override Generator Min Load. |
42 | Serious | Warn | Solver <value>. |
43 | Moderate | Warn | Line <name> Min Rating and Line Max Rating (<value>) imply <value> <= Line Flow <= <value> MW. |
45 | Serious | Error | Variable <name> Value by <value> referenced but not defined. |
46 | Serious | Error | RSI <name> Lines <name> does not import to/from the RSI Region. |
48 | Fatal | Error | Source database name not set. |
51 | Moderate | Warn | Generator <name> Pump Units = <value>, cannot be greater than Generator Units = <value>. |
52 | Serious | Error | Purchaser Benefit Function Shape must be set to "Quadratic" for the single-period Nash-Cournot. |
55 | Serious | Warn | License feature <name> is required but not available. |
56 | Fatal | Error | The license server returned the error: <value>. |
58 | Fatal | Warn | Referenced external text file not found: <value>. |
59 | Fatal | Error | Market <name> has memberships to more than one class of object, but a Market can only involve one type. |
60 | Serious | Error | Region <name> implied maximum offer price for dynamic bidding (Region VoLL or Region Price Cap) - Competition Epsilon < 0. |
67 | Serious | Error | Constraint <name> cannot be conditional unless defining Constraint RHS of period type = "interval". |
71 | Fatal | Error | Out of Memory Exception reallocating buffer to <value> kB. |
72 | Fatal | Error | MOSEK encountered a fatal internal error and terminated abnormally. |
73 | Moderate | Error | <value> <name> initial conditions must include [<value>]. |
74 | Moderate | Error | Generator <name> fuel-specific heat rate functions <value> must all have the same form as the general heat rate. |
75 | Moderate | Error | Generator <name> fuel-specific heat rate functions <value> must all have the same form. |
78 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> Heat Rate band count does not match Generator Load Point band count. |
79 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> Heat Rate Incr band count does not match Generator Load Point band count. |
80 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> does not define enough bands of Generator Offer Quantity for cumulative format (at least two required). |
81 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> Start Cost Time must have same number of bands as Generator Start Cost and Generator Start Fuels Offtake at Start if defined. |
82 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> number of bands for Generator Rough Running Point must match that of Generator Rough Running Range. |
84 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> sum of Generator Fuels Ratio must be unity. |
85 | Serious | Warn | <value> <name> minimum operating level (<value>) should be less than or equal to maximum operating level (<value>). |
87 | Serious | Error | Errors were detected in the efficiency function for <value> <name>. Consider changing Production Heat Rate Error Method. |
88 | Fatal | Error | Out of Memory Exception reallocating cache to <value> kB. |
91 | Serious | Error | Line <name> defined with both Line Reactance and Line Susceptance but only one should be used. |
93 | Serious | Error | Market <name> should define equal numbers of bands for Market Price and Market Quantity points. |
95 | Serious | Error | Solution status = <value>. |
96 | Serious | Error | MLF <name> right-hand side term must be non-negative. |
100 | Serious | Error | Flow Control <name> Units property cannot be dynamic in for Transmission OPF Method = "Large Scale". |
105 | Serious | Error | Storage <name> Energy Value defined without Storage Downstream Efficiency. |
108 | Serious | Error | Variable <name> Profile property defined with <value> band(s) but expected ≥ <value> when using Variable Sampling Method = "Bands As Samples". |
109 | Serious | Error | Variable <name> Min Value must be less than or equal to Variable Max Value. |
110 | Moderate | Warn | <value> <name> initial production level (<value>) is outside the feasible operating range (<value> - <value>). |
111 | Moderate | Warn | <value> <name> initial units operating (<value>) is greater than the number of installed units (<value>). |
117 | Serious | Error | Market <name> Quantity values must be monotonically non-decreasing. |
118 | Serious | Error | Market <name> band count for Generator Heat Markets Conversion Rate (for <name> = <value>) should equal Generator Load Point band count (<value>). |
119 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> band count for Generator Emissions [Production Rate] (for <name> = <value>) should equal Generator Load Point band count (<value>). |
123 | Serious | Error | Constraint <name> Decomposition Method = "Price" cannot be used in combination with a Constraint Penalty Price. |
124 | Serious | Warn | MIP license is required, but no license is available for checkout-the linear relaxation will be reported. |
125 | Fatal | Error | Could not interpret the Condition <name>. |
126 | Fatal | Error | Generator <name> cannot receive Generator Heat Input from itself. |
127 | Fatal | Error | Condition <name> cannot be conditional on itself (a member of its own Conditions collection). |
128 | Fatal | Error | Condition <name> conditional on Condition <name> which is itself conditional. |
129 | Fatal | Error | Condition <name> must not define Condition [Is Active] or a dynamic equation if it is dependent on other conditions. |
130 | Moderate | Warn | Stochastic Risk Sample Count = <value> but no Variable objects are defined. |
133 | Moderate | Warn | Generator <name> Units Out > Generator Units in <value> periods. |
134 | Moderate | Warn | Line <name> Units Out > Line Units in <value> periods. |
135 | Serious | Warn | PASA must be enabled in order to use the MT Schedule capacity expansion algorithm. |
137 | Moderate | Warn | <value> <name> injects at <value> nodes but does not define <value> Nodes [<value>] for Node <name>. |
138 | Moderate | Warn | Purchaser <name> offtakes at <value> nodes but does not define Purchaser Nodes Load Participation Factor for Node <name>. |
141 | Fatal | Error | The chronological Horizon including look-ahead must be a subset of the planning horizon. |
142 | Serious | Error | Region <name> DSP Bid Quantity band count (<value>) must be the same as Region DSP Bid Price band count (<value>). |
144 | Serious | Error | Constraint <name> can define Constraint Generators [Generation Squared Coefficient] (for <name>) only if it is a dynamic constraint. |
145 | Serious | Error | Constraint <name> can define Constraint Generators [Generation SUM Squared Coefficient] (for <name>) only if it is a dynamic constraint. |
146 | Fatal | Error | Region <name> defines a Region Reference Node <name> that is not inside the Region. |
147 | Fatal | Error | Region <name> defines a Region Reference Node <name> that is out-of-service. |
148 | Serious | Error | Reserve <name> Nested Reserve <name> is of a different Reserve Type, but must be the same type. |
149 | Serious | Error | Reserve <name> Nested Reserve <name> must use a subset of the generators in the master reserve class. |
150 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> cannot provide more response to Reserve <name> than Reserve <name> because the service is nested. |
151 | Serious | Error | Reserve <name> has Nested Reserve <name> but is itself nested in Reserve <name>. |
152 | Serious | Error | Reserve <name> Is Enabled property can only be changed by Scenario. |
153 | Serious | Error | Generator <value> [Start Profile] must have same number of bands as Generator Start Cost. |
154 | Serious | Error | Generator <value> [Run Up Rate] must have same number of bands as Generator Start Cost. |
155 | Fatal | Error | The Horizon (<value> years) could not be factored by the given LT Plan At a Time (<value>) and LT Plan Overlap (<value>). |
156 | Serious | Error | Constraint <name> defines Constraint RHS (period type = <value>) but uses coefficients that support Constraint RHS Year only. |
157 | Serious | Warn | Node <name> shift factors could not be computed due to an infeasibility in the Y-bus matrix. |
158 | Moderate | Error | Constraint <name> Lines <name> cannot define both Constraint Lines [Export Capacity Built Coefficient] together with Constraint Lines [Import Capacity Built Coefficient]. |
159 | Moderate | Error | Constraint <name> Lines <name> cannot define both Constraint Lines [Units Built Coefficient] together with Constraint Lines [Units Built in Year Coefficient]. |
160 | Moderate | Error | Constraint <name> Lines <name> cannot define both Constraint Lines [Units Retired Coefficient] together with Constraint Lines [Units Retired in Year Coefficient]. |
161 | Moderate | Error | Constraint <name> Generators <name> cannot define both Constraint Generators [Units Built Coefficient] together with Constraint Generators [Units Built in Year Coefficient]. |
162 | Moderate | Error | Constraint <name> Generators <name> cannot define both Constraint Generators [Units Retired Coefficient] together with Constraint Generators [Units Retired in Year Coefficient]. |
163 | Serious | Error | Failed to fit polynomial to (x,y) coordinates of heat rate function for Generator <name>. <name>. |
164 | Moderate | Warn | Non-physical losses detected on Line <name> in period (<value>). Flow <value>, Loss <value>. Consider changing Transmission Detect Non-physical Losses setting. |
166 | Moderate | Warn | <value> <name> only has <value> of <value> units that define [<value>]. |
167 | Moderate | Warn | Generator <name> outages were not written to text files because text input does not support multi-unit stations with partial outages. |
168 | Moderate | Warn | Non-physical losses detected on Line <name> in period (<value>). Flow <value>, Loss <value>. Correction algorithm invoked. |
169 | Serious | Warn | The master solution database is missing. Looked for <value>. Database output has been disabled. |
170 | Serious | Warn | <value> <name> band (<value>) defines outage parameters but no outage duration function definition. |
171 | Moderate | Warn | Node <name> Phase Angle is at an upper or lower bound in period <value>. |
173 | Moderate | Warn | Constraint <name> Lines <name> has Constraint Lines [Flow Coefficient] and <value> defined. This coefficient will be ignored. |
174 | Moderate | Warn | Constraint <name> Generators <name> has Constraint Generators [Reserve Provision Coefficient], but has no reserve memberships defined. This coefficient will be ignored. |
177 | Serious | Warn | The input data diagnostic file <name> could not be written. |
182 | Serious | Error | Interface <name> limits imply Interface Min Flow <value> <= Interface Flow <= Interface Max Flow <value>. |
183 | Moderate | Warn | Node <name> Unserved Energy in period <value> is above limit <value> MW by <value> MW due to a constraint infeasibility. |
184 | Fatal | Error | Region <name> must have at least one Node in service. |
185 | Fatal | Error | Generator <name> Start Profile has been defined as a constant value. Use the Timeslice field to define its start-up stages or use Generator Run Up Rate for a constant rate. |
186 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> Unit Commitment Optimality = "Rounded Relaxation" is not compatible with Production Unit Commitment Optimality. |
187 | Fatal | Error | MT Schedule Stochastic Method and LT Plan Stochastic Method must both be set to "Deterministic" if either setting is "Deterministic". |
188 | Fatal | Error | ST Schedule Stochastic Method and LT Plan Stochastic Method must both be set to "Deterministic" if either setting is "Deterministic". |
189 | Serious | Error | Failed to solve uplift. The solver returned solution status <value>. |
190 | Moderate | Warn | Uplift was infeasible but successfully repaired. SMP may be outside the range defined by Region Price Floor and Region Price Cap. |
193 | Serious | Warn | Network separation is detected with Contingency <name>. |
194 | Serious | Error | <value> <name> [Mark-up Point] defined with <value> bands but <value> [Mark-up] is defined with <value> bands. |
195 | Serious | Error | <value> <name> [Mark-up Point] defined with <value> bands but <value> [Bid Cost Mark-up] is defined with <value> bands. |
196 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> defines up to <value> Generator Units and is a Reserve Contingency Generators for <value> Reserve objects but this membership is allowed only for single-unit Generator objects. For multi-unit use separate Generator objects. |
197 | Moderate | Warn | Region/Zone <name> Maintenance Factor in step <value> accumulates to <value> but would normally sum to <value> which is the total number of hours in the step. |
198 | Moderate | Warn | Node <name> Dump Energy in period <value> is above limit <value> MW by <value> MW due to a constraint infeasibility. |
199 | Moderate | Warn | Multi-fuel CHP Generator <name> requires identical heat rate functions. Average heat rate at maximum power across defined fuels will be considered for heat production formulation. |
200 | Serious | Error | Failed to correct non-physical flows. The solver returned solution status <value>. |
201 | Moderate | Warn | Non-physical flow correction was infeasible but successfully repaired. |
202 | Moderate | Warn | Constraint <name> skipped because its period type is too short for the resolution of <value>. |
203 | Moderate | Warn | The Escalator [Compound Start Date] is later than the end of the horizon. The default date will be used ( <value> ). |
204 | Moderate | Warn | The Escalator [Compound Start Date] is <value> years outside of the current horizon. |
205 | Serious | Warn | Generator <name> defined Generator Head Storage Efficiency Point (for <name>) band=<value> value=<value> must be less than or equal to band=<value> value=<value>. |
206 | Fatal | Error | Variable <name> definition as a function of other Variable objects implies a circular reference. |
207 | Serious | Error | Read <value> sample weights but expected <value>. |
208 | Serious | Warn | Line <name> flow limits must be defined when using Transmission Loss Method = "Piecewise Linear". Loss is turned off for this line. |
209 | Serious | Error | <value> <name> [<value>] definition is ambiguous. The datum is defined both with the Escalator <name> and without. |
210 | Moderate | Warn | Problem is infeasible. Solution status = <value>. |
211 | Fatal | Error | Failed to repair an infeasible problem. Solution status = <value>. |
212 | Serious | Warn | Failed to set user-defined solver parameter <value>. |
213 | Moderate | Ignore | Error reporting formulation diagnostics. <value> |
214 | Serious | Warn | No integer feasible solution exists. The linear solution will be reported. Solution status = <value>. |
215 | Serious | Warn | Generator <name> Fuel Offtake may be inaccurate in <value> periods due to tranche variables clearing out of order. Consider setting Generator Formulate Non-convex="Always". |
216 | Serious | Warn | Generator <name> Unit Commitment Optimality = "Rounded Relaxation" might violate [Min Up Time]/[Min Down Time] because Constraint Generators [Units Generating Coefficient] is defined. |
217 | Serious | Warn | Generator <name> defines [Commit] property which is incompatible with [Unit Commitment Optimality] = "Dynamic Program". The Generator will use the global commitment setting. |
218 | Fatal | Error | The <name> Region is missing its Reference Node membership, which is compulsory when using the [Aggregate Transmission] option. |
219 | Serious | Error | <value> LOLP Target<value> might not be guaranteed in <value> of <value> periods. |
220 | Minor | Warn | Solution hierarchy computed <value> solution(s). No more feasible solutions exist. |
221 | Serious | Warn | There was an error writing the solution to the destination drive. The solution has been saved in the following location: <value> |
222 | Serious | Warn | There was a problem writing the zipped solution to the destination drive. The uncompressed solution has been saved in the following location: <value> |
223 | Serious | Warn | Matrix coefficients are badly scaled. Range is [<value>, <value>].This may result in numerical instability and degraded performance. |
224 | Serious | Warn | Variable objective function coefficients are badly scaled. Range is [<value>, <value>].This may result in numerical instability and degraded performance. |
225 | Serious | Warn | Variable bounds are badly scaled. Range is [<value>, <value>].This may result in numerical instability and degraded performance. |
226 | Serious | Warn | Constraint right-hand side coefficients are badly scaled. Range is [<value>, <value>].This may result in numerical instability and degraded performance. |
300 | Serious | Warn | Invalid token <name> in RHS expression for Row <name> |
301 | Fatal | Error | Error processing RPN expression for Row <name>. <value> element(s) required in the stack to use the <value> operator |
302 | Serious | Warn | Expected no more than <value> element(s) to remain in the RPN stack, but found <value> after evaluating the expression for Row <name> |
3003 | Fatal | Warn | <value> but this collection must have exactly <value> member(s). |
3004 | Fatal | Warn | <value> but this collection must have at least <value> member(s). |
3005 | Fatal | Warn | <value> but this collection cannot have more than <value> member(s). |
3006 | Fatal | Warn | Power Station <name> conflicts with a Generator of the same name. |
3007 | Minor | Warn | Skipped checking for missing files. |
3008 | Fatal | Warn | File not found: <value> |
3009 | Minor | Warn | Skipped checking of memberships. |
3013 | Fatal | Warn | <value> objects are missing their system membership. |
3014 | Minor | Warn | Skipped checking of data against validation rules. |
3015 | Fatal | Warn | <value> [<value>] band = <value> is defined multiple times with value <value>. |
3017 | Fatal | Warn | <value> [<value>] defined with value <value> but must be <value>. |
3018 | Fatal | Warn | <value> [<value>] defined with value <value> and [Date From] = <value> after [Date To] = <value>. |
3019 | Fatal | Warn | <value> [<value>] defined with multiple bands but this property cannot be multi-band. |
3020 | Fatal | Warn | The input property [<value>] has been associated with the [<value>] collection, but this belongs to the [<value>] collection. Please use the [Check Database] option in the user interface before re-execution. |
3021 | Moderate | Warn | <value>.<value> with parent <name> and child <name> Filename: <name> used to define <value> properties for the same object, but must only be used to define one property for any one object. |
3022 | Moderate | Warn | <value>.<value> with parent <name> and child <name> band <value> uses Data File field in combination with Escalator and/or Condition and/or Variable and this is not supported. |
3026 | Moderate | Warn | Read <value> records(s) for object <name> in band <value>, but expected <value>. Default value of <value> assumed. File: <name>. |
3027 | Moderate | Warn | Profile <value> contains <value> zero values. |
3028 | Moderate | Warn | Year ending: <value> skipped because the horizon does not completely span this year. |
3030 | Moderate | Warn | Data File Shape Distortion increased to: <value>. |
3031 | Moderate | Warn | Data File Energy mismatch (under target) by <value> = <value>". |
3032 | Moderate | Warn | Data File Energy mismatch (over target) by <value> = <value>. |
3033 | Serious | Warn | File <name> periods per day in file <name> must be a multiple of Horizon Periods per Day <name>. |
3034 | Fatal | Error | MOSEK encountered a fatal internal error and terminated abnormally. |
3035 | Fatal | Error | The look-ahead in the chronological phase cannot have a higher resolution than the main horizon. |
3037 | Serious | Error | No delimiters found in header row of file <value>. |
3038 | Serious | Error | Data for <name> not found in file <name> (assumed "Names in Columns" format). |
3039 | Fatal | Error | No header row found, or unable to recognise fields in the header. File <name>. |
3040 | Serious | Error | Value <name> for object <name> at line <value> in file <name> must be >= <value> |
3041 | Serious | Error | Value <name> for object <name> at line <value> in file <name> must be <= <value> |
3042 | Serious | Error | Viewing of Patterned file data is not currently supported prior to Model compilation. |
3043 | Moderate | Warn | Read <value> records(s) for object <name> in band <value>, but expected <value>. File: <name>. |
3044 | Fatal | Error | Error interpreting the header row of <value> <name>. |
3045 | Fatal | Error | Error reading line <value> of <value> <name>. |
3046 | Fatal | Error | Out of Memory Exception reading file: <value>. Tried to allocate <value> kB. |
3047 | Fatal | Error | Error interpreting the header row of <value>. |
3048 | Fatal | Error | General error reading line <value> of <value>. Periods per day = <value>. |
3049 | Fatal | Error | EEI File <name> has record length <value>, expected 80 or 82. |
3050 | Fatal | Error | Duplicate AM records for <value>. |
3051 | Fatal | Error | Duplicate PM records for <value>. |
3052 | Fatal | Error | <value> contained only <value> lines of data, expected <value>. <value> Check that the file is complete and that the Horizon Periods per Day is correct. |
3053 | Fatal | Error | <value>Specified Data File Base Profile <name> not found. |
3054 | Fatal | Error | <value>Invalid fiscal year range: <value>-<value>. |
3055 | Fatal | Error | Error in Data File Holiday. Expected <value> dates per holiday but got <value>. |
3056 | Fatal | Error | Source profile contained too few records. <value>. |
3057 | Fatal | Error | Error interpreting Holiday on band <value>. Could not locate base profile holiday start date. |
3058 | Fatal | Error | Error interpreting Holiday on band <value>. Could not locate holiday start date in year <value>. |
3059 | Fatal | Error | <value>Could not propagate profile year to period <value>. |
3060 | Serious | Error | Solution status:= <value>. |
3061 | Fatal | Error | Cannot create the profile using the specified parameters. The problem is infeasible. Adjust the parameters and try again. |
3063 | Fatal | Error | Database version number <name> does not match engine version number <name>. |
3064 | Fatal | Error | <value> validation errors were detected. Please correct these errors before running the simulation. |
3065 | Fatal | Error | Selected Model and/or Project objects are not configured with a Horizon object. |
3068 | Serious | Error | Capacity Factor constraints cannot be defined with period type of interval. |
3071 | Serious | Error | Power Station <name> attempts to aggregate [ <value> ] with <value> bands on [ <value> (<name>).<value> (<name>) ] but <value> on the first member. |
3072 | Fatal | Error | ST Schedule must begin inside the planning Horizon. |
3073 | Fatal | Error | ST Schedule must run inside the planning Horizon. |
3074 | Fatal | Error | Horizon Typical Week does not support running '<value>' steps. |
3075 | Fatal | Error | For Horizon Typical Week mode ST Schedule must span one week, e.g. 1 step of 1 week, 7 steps of 1 day, 168 steps of 1 hour, etc. |
3076 | Fatal | Error | Horizon contained no months with specified typical week index. |
3077 | Fatal | Error | Invalid Horizon Chrono Period From option: <value>. Expected an index between 1 and <value>. |
3078 | Fatal | Error | Invalid Horizon Chrono Period To option: <value>. Expected an index between 1 and <value>. |
3079 | Fatal | Error | Invalid date range <value> to <value>. |
3080 | Serious | Warn | The step settings for this phase cover <value> intervals out of <value> in the horizon. No results will be calculated for the last <value> intervals. |
3082 | Fatal | Error | Internal Error: ParsePattern() expected result array of rank 1. |
3084 | Serious | Error | Empty statement found in Timeslice <name>. |
3085 | Serious | Error | Timeslice <name> statement contains no identifier. |
3086 | Serious | Error | Invalid month range in Timeslice <name>. |
3087 | Serious | Error | Invalid day of month range in Timeslice <name>. |
3088 | Serious | Error | Invalid day of week range in Timeslice <name>. |
3089 | Serious | Error | Invalid hour range in Timeslice <name>. |
3090 | Serious | Error | Invalid period range in Timeslice <name>. |
3091 | Serious | Error | Could not parse Timeslice statement <name>. |
3092 | Serious | Error | Unknown identifier <name> in Timeslice statement <name>. |
3093 | Serious | Error | Could not interpret the statement <name> in the Timeslice <name>. |
3094 | Fatal | Error | Could not open: <value> It may be in use by another process. |
3095 | Serious | Error | File <name> contains no data. |
3096 | Serious | Error | Invalid data found at line <value> of file <value>. |
3097 | Serious | Warn | Cannot aggregate <value> for <value> <name> with child <name>, because only <value> of the <value> components have that type of membership. |
3098 | Serious | Warn | Cannot aggregate <value> for <value> <name> with parent <name>, because only <value> of the <value> components are included in that type of membership. |
3103 | Fatal | Error | The property <value> <value> [<value>] has the Condition <name> defined that does not exist. |
3104 | Fatal | Warn | The Region <name> defines Region Reference Node of <name> but this is located in Region <name>. |
3105 | Fatal | Error | Escalator <name> cannot define Escalator [Index] together with Escalator [Compound Index]. |
3106 | Serious | Warn | Data File line <value> contains <value> band(s) of data for object <name> but expected <value> bands. File <name>. |
3107 | Fatal | Error | Escalator <name> cannot define Escalator [Compound Index] for both period types <name> and <name>. |
3108 | Fatal | Warn | Report <name> <value> [<value>] cannot be reported by period. |
3109 | Fatal | Warn | Report <name> <value> [<value>] cannot be reported in summary. |
3110 | Fatal | Warn | Report <name> <value> [<value>] is not reported in <value> simulation phase. |
3111 | Fatal | Error | The look-ahead in the chronological phase (<value> periods per day) must divide the planning horizon resolution (<value> periods per day). |
3112 | Fatal | Error | DATETIME field cannot be combined with YEAR, MONTH, DAY, or PERIOD. File <name>. |
3113 | Fatal | Error | Data File line <value> defines invalid date YEAR=<value>, MONTH=<value>, DAY=<value>. Conversion error message =<name>. File <name>. |
3114 | Fatal | Error | <value> [Blocks] = <value> cannot be greater than the number of intervals in a <value> = <value>. |
3115 | Fatal | Error | Generator <name> has memberships to more than one enabled Power Station objects. |
3116 | Serious | Error | Data File line <value> defines an invalid date ( <value> ) with <value> culture settings. File <name>. |
3117 | Serious | Error | Failed to interpret the Timeslice <name> which appears to have invalid meta-patterns related to Timeslice <name>. |
3118 | Serious | Error | Generator <name> was not located in the <value> model <name>. |
3119 | Serious | Error | The interleaved property <value>.[<value>] is invalid. |
3121 | Serious | Warn | The Model Random Number Seed property has not been set. The number <value> will be used. Variable samples and outage patterns in this simulation will repeat only if this same seed is set. |
3122 | Serious | Warn | Timeslice <name> is used but does not include any time periods. You should define the Timeslice Include property. |
3123 | Serious | Error | Unable to run the interleave process due to invalid settings. Server stochastic mode [<value>] with <value> sample(s) is not consistent with the client stochastic mode [<value>] with <value> sample(s). |
3124 | Serious | Warn | The marginal unit diagnostic has skipped Region <name> because the reference node <name> is not a load node. |
3128 | Fatal | Error | Cannot fit <value> periods per <value> while pinning the selected number points. Either increase the number of periods or remove the point pinning. |
3129 | Fatal | Error | Generator <name> band count for Generator Fuels Heat Rate (for <name> = <value>) should equal Generator Load Point band count (<value>). |
3130 | Fatal | Error | Decision Variable <name> Objective Function Coefficient period type <name> is not consistent with Definition <name>. |
3131 | Serious | Warn | Decision Variable <name> Objective Function Coefficient period type <value> is too long for ST Schedule. |
3132 | Serious | Warn | The specified output path and file name are too long. The solution will be written to the following temporary location: <value> |
3133 | Serious | Warn | OpenPLEXOS <value>. |
3134 | Serious | Error | Conflict detected on Decision Variable <value> bounds, lower bound = <value>, upper bound = <value>, type = <value> |
3135 | Serious | Warn | Branch <name> NodeFrom and NodeTo are both defined as <name>. It is dropped from simulation. |
3136 | Fatal | Error | Cannot connect Storage objects to Water Node objects when using "Energy" Hydro Model setting. |
3137 | Serious | Warn | File <name> contains <value> repeated values. |
3138 | Fatal | Error | Line <name> has [Max Flow] lower than [Min Flow]; [Max Flow] = <name> < [Min Flow] = <name>. |
3139 | Serious | Warn | Property <value> is dropped because the interval length is set to <value>. |
3140 | Serious | Error | Could not interpret the statement <name> in the Timeslice <value>. |
3141 | Serious | Warn | MT Schedule will run in one step for the Hanging Branches Rolling Horizon solution method. |
3142 | Minor | Warn | Skipped validation of the report selections. |
3143 | Fatal | Error | Horizon Typical Week mismatch to the start of the planning horizon. |
3144 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> Gas Fields <name> defines [End Volume Coefficient] and <value>. The latter coefficient will be ignored. |
3145 | Fatal | Error | Unable to formulate constraints for Base Gas Contract <name>. ST schedule must span 365 days if no LT plan or MT schedule is enabled. |
3146 | Serious | Warn | Unable to formulate constraints for Base Gas Contract <name> for <value> phase. Contract will be treated as Swing contract for the current phase. |
3147 | Serious | Warn | Gas Contract <name> has memberships with multiple classes. Gas Node memberships will be ignored. |
3148 | Serious | Warn | Generator <name> cannot define a transition with itself. This transition membership has been removed. |
3149 | Serious | Warn | Gas Pipelines mapped to Gas Capacity Release Offer <name> do not form a path. |
3150 | Serious | Warn | Unable to formulate constraints for Base Gas Capacity Release Offer <name> for <value> phase. Release type will be treated as swing for the current phase. |
3151 | Serious | Warn | Gas Capacity Release Offer <name> has memberships with multiple classes. Gas pipelines memberships will be used and other memberships will be ignored. |
3152 | Serious | Warn | Gas Capacity Release Offer <name> has no memberships assigned to it. |
3153 | Serious | Warn | Maximum daily take for gas contract <name> is less than percentage of demand from all demand in this gas contract. |
3154 | Serious | Warn | Internal VoLL for region <name> must increase with increasing internal VoLL level. |
3155 | Serious | Warn | Scenario Tree: Globals [Hanging Branches Historical Year Start] is not defined. Hanging Branches Sample Reduction will be run automatically. |
3156 | Fatal | Error | Scenario Tree: Number of Hanging Branches <value> should be less than the number of historical years <value>. |
3157 | Fatal | Error | Scenario Tree: Globals [Hanging Branches Historical Year Start] data are invalid, please try using [Hanging Branches Sample Reduction]. |
3159 | Serious | Warn | Gas Storage has memberships with multiple gas nodes that each gas node has weather station connected. Only first weather station (connected to first gas node) will be used. |
3160 | Serious | Warn | Gas Contract has memberships with multiple gas nodes that each gas node has weather station connected. Only first weather station (connected to first gas node) will be used. |
3161 | Fatal | Warn | The Generator Outage Rating for <name> is larger than or equal to its rated capacity in certain periods. Generator Units Out will not be applied to those periods. |
3162 | Moderate | Warn | <value> <name> doesn't define property <value>. The preschedule for the object will be ignored. |
3163 | Fatal | Warn | LT Plan specified [Allow Capacity Sharing] but none of the Regions or Zones have capacity reserve inputs. Capacity will not be shared except as specified in Line Firm Capacity. |
3164 | Fatal | Warn | Constraint <name> RHS Hour is longer than the interval length of <value> hours. The Constraint will be excluded. Try using RHS instead. |
3165 | Fatal | Error | Variable '<value>' is configured for <value> sampling. The sampling method needs to be set to '<value>'. |
3200 | Fatal | Error | Could not interpret Variable <name> ML model schema column <name>. Expected Collection_Name_Property. |
3201 | Fatal | Error | Could not interpret the class name <name> in the Variable <name> ML model schema column name <name> |
3202 | Fatal | Error | Could not interpret the <name> object name <name> in Variable <name> ML model schema column name <name> |
3203 | Fatal | Error | Could not interpret the property name <name> in Variable <name> ML model schema column name <name> |
3204 | Serious | Warn | The region <value> cannot belong to two or more decomposition groups. |
3205 | Fatal | Error | Error during the decomposition simulations. Unable to create final solution file. |
3206 | Serious | Warn | Geographical decomposition feature has been disabled. <value> |
3207 | Serious | Warn | Expansion file '<value>' does not exist. |
3208 | Serious | Error | Gas Storage <name> Injection Charge band count (<value>) must be the same as Gas Storage Injection Withdrawal Charge Level band count (<value>). |
3209 | Serious | Error | Gas Storage <name> Withdrawal Charge band count (<value>) must be the same as Gas Storage Injection Withdrawal Charge Level band count (<value>). |
3210 | Serious | Error | Gas Storage <name> Dispatch Injection Charge band count (<value>) must be the same as Gas Storage Injection Withdrawal Charge Level band count (<value>). |
3211 | Serious | Error | Gas Storage <name> Dispatch Withdrawal Charge band count (<value>) must be the same as Gas Storage Injection Withdrawal Charge Level band count (<value>). |
3212 | Serious | Error | Gas Storage <name> sum of [Injection Withdrawal Charge Level] bands is <name>% but must sum to 100%. |
3213 | Serious | Warn | The value could not be calculated because <name> >= <name>. |
3214 | Serious | Warn | The factorial for <name> could not be calculated. |
3215 | Serious | Warn | The total share of a vehicle at any particular interval can not be more than 1. The share is redistributed accordingly, so that the total share is equal to 1. |
3216 | Moderate | Warn | Input time series for variable <name> is not stationary, PARMA fitting for it might not be accurate! |
3219 | Fatal | Error | The header column <value> in file <name> is not a valid column type. |
3220 | Fatal | Error | License unavailable for the following classes: <value>. |
3221 | Serious | Warn | Interleave configuration is ambiguous after generic object compilation. Collection IDs <value> each report <name>. |
3222 | Serious | Warn | Max Ramp <value> for <value> is not available in Sampled Chronology. |
3223 | Moderate | Warn | The total Gas Demand.Gas Node Demand Participation Factor does not sum to 1.0. Gas Demand: <value>, sum of Demand Participation Factor: <value>. |
3224 | Serious | Warn | Scenario Tree: Globals Hanging Branches tree settings are ignored in the following cases: 1) LT/MT phase is not running Stochastic mode, or 2) the horizon is too short for running a multi-stage optimization, or 3) sample reduction is required for the stochastic object. |
3226 | Serious | Warn | Scenario Tree: Globals [Full Branches Sample Reduction] is disabled. Number of Full and Hanging Branches <value> needs to be less than the number of historical years <value>. |
3227 | Moderate | Warn | There is a mismatch between the number of offer quantity bands (<value>) and the number of bid-cost mark-up bands (<value>) for <value>. |
3228 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> is too long for ST Schedule. This constraint will be prorated each step. |
3229 | Fatal | Error | Circular Heat Input memberships detected for the following Generators: <value>, <value>. |
3230 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <value> defines [<value>] for Vehicle <value>. Vehicle Max Discharge Rate is zero or does not formulate storage (simple model). Coefficient will be ignored. |
3231 | Serious | Warn | Market <name> interacts with multiple classes (<value>). Ensure sales in this market correspond to one physical quantity (electricity, reserve capacity, water etc.). |
3232 | Fatal | Warn | Disabling Transmission Aggregation because Kron-reduction has been enabled. |
3233 | Serious | Warn | Global Sampling File has been entered, but file <value> cannot be found. Sample reduction will be performed automatically. |
3234 | Fatal | Error | Invalid inputs for sampled chronology. Sampling interval type, sample type or reduced sample count of the <value> object should match that in the sampling file <value>. |
3235 | Serious | Error | Property cannot be interleaved: <value>. All Constraints group properties are compiled to constraint objects before execution. |
3236 | Serious | Warn | Line <name> is assumed out-of-service because it is an unconstrained DC link. |
3237 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> cannot have more than one negative Decision Variable Value Squared Coefficient defined. |
3238 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> Decision Variable <name> Value Squared Coefficient should not be positive when a negative value is defined. |
3239 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> Decision Variable <name> Lower Bound should not be negative when its [Value Squared Coefficient] defined as a negative value. |
3240 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> Sense should be "<=" when Decision Variable Value Squared Coefficient is defined. |
3241 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> LHS Type should be "SUM" when Decision Variable Value Squared Coefficient is defined. |
3242 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> RHS should be zero when a negative Decision Variable Value Squared Coefficient is defined. |
3243 | Serious | Warn | Constraint <name> should not define a negative Decision Variable Value Squared Coefficient when other linear terms are defined. |
3244 | Serious | Warn | Both the Rating Factor and Max Capacity have values that vary over time for unit <name>. This may cause the sampled available energy to not match expected results when percentage inputs are set to be scaled. |
3245 | Serious | Warn | Charging Station <name> defines [Deferrable Load] but no simple [Fixed Load] Vehicles are connected. |
3246 | Fatal | Error | Installed capacity exceeds expansion capacity for expansion candidate <value> <name>. |
3247 | Serious | Warn | Large number of potential operating units for Generator <name> which models unit-by-unit commitment. High memory usage for the optimization may result. |
3248 | Fatal | Error | Scenario Tree: Stochastic Stages Period Type = <name> is not implemented for Hanging Branch trees. |
3249 | Moderate | Warn | Financial coefficient [<value>] defined in non-price prescribed context and will be ignored. Constraint <name>, object <name>. |
3250 | Serious | Error | Reliability <value> risk metric has decreased after Generator removal, no EFC convergence possible. Consider increasing VoLL or decreasing MIP gap. |
3251 | Serious | Error | Constraint <value> has a period type <value> that is inconsistent with expansion period type <value>. |
3252 | Serious | Error | Variable <value> is being referenced from its Variables - <value> - expression creating a circular reference error. |
3253 | Fatal | Error | Minimum retirement capacity exceeds capacity available for retirement for <value> <name>. |
3254 | Moderate | Warn | Unable to locate the Variable <name>. |
3255 | Serious | Warn | Solver ran out of memory during optimize, repair or load of task <value>. |
3256 | Serious | Warn | Nodes* memberships detected with non-Nodal Transmission Detail. Phase: <value>. |
3257 | Fatal | Error | Incorrect use of Planning Horizon Lookahead Count detected. The attribute is intended for use with the MT Schedule Stochastic Methods Rolling Horizon or SDDP. |
3258 | Moderate | Warn | Expansion optimality for <value> is Linear. Constraint <value> is dropped because integer builds are required for [Built Coefficient]. |
3259 | Moderate | Warn | The required number of LDC blocks cannot be created with the input Global slicing block settings. |
3260 | Serious | Warn | Object <name> defines [<value>] without [<value>]. |